5 Ways To Cut Your Company’s Printing Costs

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Is your company spending too much money on printing? Here are a few tricks that could help you to keep the price of printing down.


Buy printing supplies in bulk


Buying printing supplies in bulk can be cheaper overall than buying individual cartridges and packs of paper. This is because there are often discounts when you buy in bulk. You’re best shopping online to find these bulk discounts. Buying in bulk also keeps you stocked up longer so that you can go for longer periods without worrying about running out. Just be wary of printer ink expiry dates as ink can dry up after two years.

Switch to refillable cartridges


A lot of companies are now using refillable cartridges as a way of saving money on ink. Not only is it more economical, but it’s also more eco-friendly as it doesn’t involve buying and disposing of new plastic cartridges each time. There are lots of companies out there that offer these refillable cartridges – certain inks may be better suited to certain cartridges, so bear this in mind if you want to keep the print quality high.


Put printing quotas in place


It could be worth taking steps to avoid unnecessary printing such as personal notes and unneeded copies of documents. Putting printing quotas in place is one way to do this – this involves setting a limit on how much printing can be done each week. Some companies set individual quotas per employee, whilst others may try to stick to a collective quota.  


Outsource your printing


Outsourcing your printing could be another option to cut costs. This involves sending your documents to a printing company for them to be printed off. Outsourcing this task could save you the cost of running and maintaining a printer as well as saving you money on printing supplies. You may even be able to find a same day print service for when you need to print off documents immediately. Some printing services are also able to carry out postage for you – if you need to send out physical letters to all your customers, outsourcing a specialised printing and postage service could save you the time and hassle of doing this yourself.


Go paperless


Whilst some companies rely on printed media, there are others that have no real purpose for it. Thanks to cloud technology and the ability to share documents online, there’s often no need to print off rotas and timetables and work plans. By adopting a paperless policy, you could eliminate printing costs entirely. It can also help your company to establish a more environmentally-friendly image. On top of this, cutting out paper could make your office look a lot less cluttered – there’ll be no need for filing cabinets and shelves of paper documents.


5 Ways To Cut Your Company’s Printing Costs