Does Moving Business Premises Always Have To Be A Nightmare?

It happens to us all. The inevitable realities, the unfortunate truths that we don’t want to acknowledge. The unpleasant aspects of running a business that we all have to face up to sooner or later.


There are plenty of concepts that fill the cautious business person with fear and trepidation. The idea of hiring new staff and taking a chance on unknowns; branching into a new market; realising you have to fire that long-term employee. Yet nothing is quite so horrific as the idea of…


… moving premises! [cue a ‘Wilhelm Scream‘ sound effect and a bolt of lightning splintering through a cloudy sky]



Yes, moving premises – be it an office, a warehouse or a major distribution centre – is never a welcome task. It’s a necessary one, but that doesn’t make it something you are actively looking forward to. It’s a process that more has to be endured than enjoyed.


As with all endurances, there are ways and means of making it more palatable. You wouldn’t set off to run a marathon without making sure you have the right shoes for the job, so it’s unwise to move premises without the right checks in mind. And what are these checks? How fortunate you ask…


Your Checklist For Moving Business Premises


  1. Have you decluttered?


Think of every item you have in your existing space. All of it is an expense; something you are going to have to move and pay someone to do so. So if you don’t absolutely need it, then get rid of it.


You have to be ruthless. Play with the idea conceptually. Ask yourself if you would pay 50€ to make sure a particular item – a printer, a kettle, a wobbly desk – got to your new location. If the answer is no, it’s likely not valuable to your business, and thus you shouldn’t pay the cost to transport it.


  1. Have you made the new space ready to be moved into?


You don’t want the hassle of trying to make the fresh premises livable while you’re surrounded by boxes. It’s important to do all the necessary work beforehand. This can include bringing in commercial painters to get the look you want, ensuring the toilets are in good condition and that there’s somewhere for everyone to make coffee.


Moving an existing office into an empty shell is going to mean nothing but chaos, which will take far long to sort through. For every moment you’re not actively working in your industry, you’re losing money – so get things straight before you leave your existing space for the last time.


  1. Have you made all the changes you need to?


‘Changes’ is a reference to utilities, and it can be tricky to keep on top of. You have to change the phone, broadband, electricity, gas and insurance over to your business’s new home before you move into it. This is especially important for insurance; you don’t want to move expensive office equipment without knowing you’re covered if someone knocks it over.



If you can answer all of the above in the affirmative, then it looks like you’re good to go. Grit your teeth and push through – it’ll be over before you know it.


Does Moving Business Premises Always Have To Be A Nightmare?