Will Pre-Employment Assessments Help You Find Great Employees?

Pre-employment assessments are tests that employers use to screen potential employees. The assessments yield information regarding the extent to which the prospective worker is proficient in a particular role. Pre-employment tests include but are not limited to testing of work skills, physical and motor abilities, emotional intelligence, personality, language proficiency, and cognitive skills. When done correctly, pre-employment assessments help the recruiter in determining the employees that are suited for the job, while excluding those that are unqualified for the task. When you conduct a proper pre-employment examination, you obtain workers that will succeed in their role. Pre-employment tests help in identifying the employees that are deficient in specific skills. Pre-employment enables your firm to get efficient employees in several ways. Here are four ways in which pre-employment tests can help you find great workers.
Keeping Resume Spammers Off 
When you advertise a vacancy in your firm, many prospective job seekers send their resumes and cover letters, expressing interest for the open position. However, a significant proportion of the job applicants do so without serious consideration of the vacancy and what it entails. If you post the job online, a higher number of resume spammers will apply for the job. Considering all the applications can be time-consuming and costly. When you require the applicants to take a proficiency test assessing their basis aptitude for the job, you can screen out the jokers. Only serious applicants can spare time to complete the assessments. As such, when you embark on reviewing the applications, you are sure that you are dealing with serious applicants who can potentially fit in the vacancy in your company.

Getting Employees with the Basic Aptitude for the Job
Every job has a set of requirements, which the prospective employees should meet to execute their role efficiently. Pre-employment assessments are designed to test the basic aptitude of the employees, before proceeding to the other steps of the recruitment process. If an employee fails to meet the minimum score for the aptitude test, you exclude them from the recruitment process. You are left with the applicants who have specific aptitude scores who when hired can deliver in their position. You deal with a smaller number of quality applications, where you are highly likely to get the talent you are seeking. For example, you can use the pre-employment tests to determine whether the personality and temperament of potential workers allow them to do their work effectively.

Save the Time Spent on Recruitment
Pre-employment tests like the Berke Assessment can help you to save time that you spend reviewing hundreds or thousands of applications from unqualified applicants. If you require an applicant to complete an assessment and achieve a certain minimum score before allowing them to proceed with the other parts of the job application, then you spend less time than a recruiter who does not have a pre-employment test. Time-efficiency implies that you can focus on training the new employees or engage in other productive aspects of your business. Also, since pre-employment assessments tests lead to increased employee retention, you save time that you would spend hiring new employees after unqualified employees leave your firm. When you save time, it means that you are cutting costs associated with employee turnover, and unnecessarily high number of applications.

Employee Efficiency and Productivity
The essence of pre-employment assessments is to find the most qualified people to do the job. Well-developed pre-employment assessments help you to get efficient and productive workers. Pre-employment tests can be tailor-made to tests a wide range of aspects about potential employees. The assessments make the recruitment process competitive. Accordingly, you get competent employees, who are proficient in their work. The result is improved work efficiency and productivity, which in turn leads to an improvement in the profitability and competitiveness of the company in the market. If you do not use pre-employment tests, you are likely to hire incompetent employees, resulting in the suboptimal performance of your firm.

Pre-employment assessments are beneficial to your firm. The tests aid in making the hiring process efficient and cost-effective. You find quality employees who can comfortably fit in the job and deliver according to your expectations. Competent employees are central to your firm’s growth and competitiveness in the market.


Will Pre-Employment Assessments Help You Find Great Employees?