The People Who Can Hurt Your Business

It’s not easy to run a business even when everyone’s on your side. But when there’s someone against you? That makes a difficult task all the more challenging. But alas, when you exist in the real world, there’ll always be someone out there who poses a threat to your business. Below, we take a look at five examples, and if there’s anything you can do to stop them having too much of a negative impact. Though of course, you’ll be hoping that everyone’s rooting for you. We are!

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Your Staff


You want your staff to like and trust your direction, and to desire that your company reaches milestone after milestone. But the evidence shows that this isn’t always the case. There’s a significant problem with employee crime, who can shave off a not-insignificant percentage of your profits, maliciously. You can limit the chances of this happening by keeping a close eye on your finances, the data trail, and so on, but your best line of defense will be hiring properly. When someone submits their references, check them! They might just uncover something that makes you think twice about bringing them on board to the team.  


Your Customers


Your customers support you, but they’re not all going to be beneficial to your company. The internet has given everyone immense power, which is generally a good thing, but some people abuse this power. Sometimes, it’s not even a customer who talks about you online; it’s someone who walked before a transaction was complete, but has a grievance of some sort. Because people really do read reviews and use them to decide whether to use a company or not, it’s important that you work with a company that specializes in reputation management so that you can get your side of the story out there, too. You don’t have to accept that bad reviews, even if they’re left anonymously.


Your Competitors


Oh, how nice it would be if you were the only show in town. But of course, you’re not – they’ll be many others offering what you offer, and that means they can hurt your business. Of course, they’re not being malicious – it’s just the name of the game. You can get yourself ahead by focusing on being the best company you can be, and never taking your customers for granted. You’ll only regret it if someone new moves in on your patch and everyone leaves.


The World Leaders


Yup, the people in charge can hurt your business. Of course they can – they’re in charge of the economy! If things are going well, then good times are ahead. If they mismanage the economy, then things might look a bit more difficult. Alas, there’s not much you can do about this, except vote for the right people.




And the biggest threat to your business: you! Stay focus, remain humble, and commit to ever improving yourself and your business. It’ll serve you well in the long run. Don’t be the reason why your business starts to suffer!


The People Who Can Hurt Your Business