Brilliant Branding, Marvellous Marketing and Smart Strategies: 15 Tickets to Success

You wake up with imaginative ideas in your sleep, you have brainstorming sessions in the shower and you always make up hypothetical scenarios in your head about owning your own business. What if this wasn’t just a dream anymore? What if you were actually ready to start up your own business? Entrepreneurial spirit has always been in your body; ever since you were little you were always coming up with innovative plans to make some extra cash on the side. Before you jump into your new venture headfirst you realize that there is a lot to learn. If you’re being realistic with yourself you shouldn’t expect to be making millions right from the get go. You’re going to need to work long hours, endure sleepless nights, not to mention all of the planning that goes into a start-up business. Whether you’re looking for beneficial forms of marketing for your small business or you’re hoping to finalize your business plan, you know that you need to get your head down right from the very beginning. So before you start this new chapter in your life, it is important to consider a handful of steps. The following ideas aren’t necessarily in the right order, but you will undoubtedly need them during your entrepreneurial journey. So take some time to consider all of the elements discussed here and you will soon be well equipped with all of the vital knowledge you need to get your brilliant business up and running right now.

  1. Accept Help with Marketing

You will soon discover as a business owner how tricky it is to get your marketing strategies on point. Trying to navigate this big wide world is truly a minefield so make sure you seek advice from a company such as Falcon Digital Marketing PPC Management Services. Not only will they help you to develop a long term, effective pay per click advertising campaign, but they will also have the option to negotiate the contract length that suits you.


  1. Choose Color Schemes Wisely

When you’re picking your color scheme for the business, make sure you choose something that suits your company’s spirit and attitude. If you’re an eco-friendly business then green would be the obvious choice, but if you’re looking for something more modern and eye-catching you might choose a shade of purple. Your color scheme will be with your business forever so think carefully when making your final choice.

  1. Have a Logical Logo

Much like your color scheme, the logo for your business needs to be relevant and appropriate to your industry. Use popular and successful brands such as Apple and Amazon as inspiration for your logo decisions. Something simple and significant will always be the ideal choice for your brand logo.

  1. Understand Your Own Brand Ethos

You need to be able to portray a clear brand ethos and philosophy from the very beginning. Your target audience will want to know exactly what they are spending their money on, so make their job easy. Discovering your personal brand can take time, but as long as you explore all of your options and map out exactly who you are as an entrepreneur, you should find it simple to put your finger on.

  1. Set Small Targets

Don’t aim for the stars right from the very beginning, otherwise you will be setting yourself up for quite a bit of disappointment. Set small and manageable targets that you will be able to attain without causing yourself too much stress. Similarly, don’t be too afraid to push yourself to keep achieving bigger and better things as the weeks go by.

  1. Plan, Plan and Plan Some More

You will be pretty stumped if you don’t plan your next move carefully. Before you even think about launching your company you need to make a detailed business plan to outline all of your goals for the future with your business. This is a great reference point to keep coming back to if you ever lose focus during your business journey. In your business plan you can map out everything from financial goals to marketing methods and you will always know which direction you’re heading.


  1. Start a Blog

Every business owner should consider starting up their own blog, whether it’s a small or large company. Having a blog means that you will become more prominent on the internet, where most of your target market might be look. Creating unique and innovative content on a regular basis will help your blog to boost in popularity online, which will then drive more customers to spend their money on your product or service.

  1. Get Help With Your Website

A sophisticated and professional website is very important when it comes to running a first class business. You want your customers to experience a smooth and glitch-free journey when they log onto your website. Make sure you hire a professional to help you make the most of all the available features on the platform you choose. Whether you opt for Wix or Squarespace, you will be able to do so much with the templates they provide you, but with a little additional help from the experts you will have a top notch site.

  1. Conduct Market Research

Getting to know your target audience inside out will help you to make better decisions for your business overall. When you can delve deep into their minds you will be able to predict exactly what they are looking for from your company. Conducting regular market research will prove to be an invaluable tool from the very beginning, so make sure you take the time to communicate regularly with your target demographic.

  1. Save Money Whenever You Can

Don’t go too mad in terms of spending when you’re first starting out with your business. It can be quite exciting to have your own business and you may feel the need to invest in all sorts of high tech equipment. Be sensible and save money whenever you can as you never know how steady your income will be within the first few months.

  1. Hone in on Your Skills

There are many skills you will already need to possess in order to become a successful business owner, but you need to try to capitalize on those special traits. Perhaps you’re amazing at organizing or you have a creative flair inside you; use these distinct skills to make your business unique compared to others in your industry.

  1. Don’t Cut Corners

Take your time when it comes to decision making and try not to take shortcuts whenever you can. You might want to do everything as quick as possible, but it’s best to be patient and do everything correctly.

  1. Get to Know Your Competition

Believe it or not, having competition is an excellent thing when you’re running a business. You know that your product or service is in demand so you have a high chance of being successful. Make sure you know your competitors inside out because you will need to find a way to go above and beyond what they have to offer. Understanding your competitors will allow you to discover your unique selling point much more easily.

  1. Make Plans for Growth

It’s never a bad thing to make plans for the future; if you have a goal in mind then don’t be afraid to have a loose procedure in place, just in case you do decide to grow and expand at a later date.

  1. Be Calm and Patient

Running a business is going to be one of the most stressful events you ever experience in your life. You will have sleepless nights and long hours, but it is important to stay calm and be patient. Success won’t happen overnight, but if you put all of your efforts in you will have a business to be proud of.


All of this information might seem a tad overwhelming right now, but it will all come in extremely useful from the moment you decide to hit the play button on your business plan. Nothing in your life will ever compare to starting up your own business so get ready for a rollercoaster ride full of highs and lows. One minute you might be celebrating because you received your first order; the next minute you could be drowning your sorrows because your marketing strategy didn’t quite work out. Whatever your ups and downs may be, you need to stick with your instincts and keep that passion alive. One day you will be able to relax, sit back and realize that all of your hard work over the years was totally worth it. Until then you need to put your heart and soul into every ounce of your company, from your brilliant business plan to your marvellous marketing methods. Take all of this advice on board and give yourself time for it all to settle into your mind. As soon as you feel ready to launch, you will be knowledgeable, well prepared and unstoppable when it comes to starting up your very own business.

Brilliant Branding, Marvellous Marketing and Smart Strategies: 15 Tickets to Success