How to Turn Your Office Into a Second Home for Your Employees

If you would like to impress your employees, and keep them happy, you will probably need to pay more attention to the workplace itself. After all, they are likely to spend most of their waking hours on weekdays in the office, so it is only fair that you help them make the most out of their wellbeing and are surrounded by things that they like and value.

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Make It Bright

It is important that you let the natural light in the office. This is not only going to improve the mood of your employees, but also reduce your electricity bills and protect their eyesight. However, it is important that you are trying to position your computer screens to avoid glare that can cause eye strains and headaches. If you are not sure how to add natural light to your office, you might want to talk to a contractor and think about opening up the ceiling to light. It can cost you less than you would think.

Individual Assessment

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It is important that you are able to accommodate the individual needs of your employees. When it comes to office desks, setups, and chairs, there are no standards. You might have an employee who is only 5 feet, while the other is over 6. You will need to order a workplace assessment to ensure that every workstation is set up in a way that it matches the individual needs of your employees. Pay extra attention to the needs of your handicapped staff.

Team Decoration Days

If you are sure that your office is now fit for purpose, but you would like to allow your workers to decorate it to their taste, you can arrange an afternoon off and allow them to add decoration they would all love to see while working. You can put one of your employees in charge of the project, and this might even help you identify leadership potential.

Chillout Areas

To keep your employees happy and help them relax and engage with each other, you will need to create the right environment that allows them to take a step back from the workstation and recharge their batteries. There are some cheap entertainment options for the workplace chillout area you might consider, such as a pool table, darts with Velcro for health and safety reasons, or a gaming station.

Healthy Air and Environment

If you want your employees to stay happy and healthy in the office, you will need to ensure that the air quality is monitored, and they can adjust the temperature and the light. You might have an economic heating and air conditioning system, but might want to invest in heater rental when the temperature drops below average, and your traditional system cannot cope.


For many employees, the office is like a second home. They spend a lot of time there, and would expect to have a comfortable and safe, healthy environment. As an employer, it is your responsibility to take into consideration their individual needs.  r


How to Turn Your Office Into a Second Home for Your Employees