It is always important to protect what you have as best you can and that is particularly relevant when it comes to ensuring your business assets, as any disruptions to trading caused by a security breach could be very damaging to your cash flow and trading prospects.
The subject of security is wide-ranging and covers a number of issues and potential vulnerabilities that you need to take steps to counteract. Protecting your premises and all of your physical and data assets requires a comprehensive security strategy that encompasses burglar and fire alarm systems, locks and security protocols, and plenty of other considerations too.
To get a discussion going about your protection options you might want to call today, in the meantime, here are some of the key security points that need to be addressed.
It all starts with a risk assessment
You can’t expect to cover all the bases and create a total security solution without first having a clear idea of what issues you need to address and what specific vulnerabilities you have to overcome.
It would be a good idea to seek input from anyone you trust within the business so that they can highlight any security weaknesses that need addressing.
Seeking out a professional opinion on the security options for your premises and the assets within the building would also be a solid strategy in your quest to carry out a robust risk assessment and create some solutions to the problems and weak spots identified.
Take a good look at all of your entry points
An excellent starting point with your security measures would be to look at how you can strengthen and protect all of the entry points to your business premises.
Door and window locks should be fitted and need to be of a good enough quality to deter a burglar from attempting to gain entry.
Create some visual deterrents
You never know who is watching your property with criminal intent and it is often the case that a burglar will survey a potential target beforehand and seek out the ones that look like they offer the least resistance to their efforts to break in.
If you install a good coverage of security lighting around the perimeter of the building and fit some fencing and gates where necessary these are all measures that will help to discourage a burglar from targeting your premises.
Caught on camera
In addition to having the security lighting fitted a must-have visual deterrent to have is a CCTV system, as well as a burglar alarm system.
If the building is lit up when the sensors are activated and the cameras are on anyone approaching, this is going to make someone think twice about trying to gain entry to your property.
Even if the cameras don’t dissuade a determined burglar, having that footage of them committing the crime is going to help the police and help your insurance claim as well.
Be vigilant when it comes to knowing your staff and regular visitors
It is always a good idea to have some security protocols in place that apply to employees working in the building and anyone coming to visit.
Don’t be afraid to conduct background checks on new employees as part of your recruitment process and have a signing-in system for all visitors so that you have a detailed record of everyone that has had access to the building.
Protect your business equipment
Suffering a break-in is bad enough but it can also be a real nightmare when laptops and computers are stolen and you don’t have backups of what is on them or any specific details of what has been stolen.
Make sure you create an accurate inventory of all of your physical business assets and make a note of serial numbers for each item. It is also a good idea to take photographic evidence of what you have as this makes it easier to provide a list of everything to your insurer and the police.
Advertise your security awareness
It is sensible to make people aware that you are serious about security and that you have taken positive steps to protect the building and its assets.
Post notices that advise of your intention to carry out CCTV recording and point out that the building is secured using an alarm system as well as cameras.
Making it highly obvious that your business does not intend to make its premises an easy target is a proactive approach that can help make an intruder think twice before attempting to steal from you.
It is not just physical security that you need to think about
Modern business is about being online and when you are connected to the internet there are security concerns that you need to address.
As well as protecting your building from the outside you must have a strategy that provides protection from the inside as well, which means having a security system that includes a firewall and employs antivirus technology.
Cybercrime is an ever-present threat and any savvy business owner will be acutely aware that constant measures need to be in place to protect your systems from being hacked. Remember, data security is as important as physical security. If you want to find out more then read this post by Kenny Natiss.
Regular reviews are required
Get into the habit of conducting regular security reviews and create a checklist of items that need to be evaluated so that you know that your existing security measures and procedures are up to scratch.
Take a walk around the perimeter to check that all the locks and entry points are still secure and test the alarm systems to make sure that everything is working fine.
If you do notice any issue, such as a broken window fitting, arrange to get it fixed straight away. Also, review your online security procedures frequently as the threats you face from hackers is constantly evolving, which means your protocols need to keep pace with these new threats.
You have worked hard to get your business to where it is today and that should be all the motivation you need to take security seriously and protect your assets as best you can.