It stands to reason that if you are going to get behind the wheel of such a large transport vehicle you will need some specialized training so that you have a good understanding of how to handle a big truck and what specific safety aspects you need to be aware of.
If you are going to be driving a flatbed truck there are extra dimensions to the subject of safety that have to be considered, mainly because of the fact that the trailer has vulnerabilities due to its openness, plus there is the prospect of carrying irregular and large loads that you have to contend with.
Here is a look at some of those key safety aspects that you need to be mindful of when you are taking the controls of a flatbed truck.
Consider your own personal safety
A fundamental aspect of flatbed truck safety that always has to be on your radar every time is personal safety when it comes to trailer surface awareness.
As a flatbed truck driver, your job will often entail walking the top surface of the trailer so that you can make arrangements to secure your load.
There is an inherent risk attached to walking on the top of your trailer and that is the very real prospect of losing your balance or footing and suffering a fall from height.
Always be vigilant when carrying out this task and wear appropriate footwear if the surface is likely to be slippery or uneven.
Also, be mindful that if you are carrying an irregular load there may be obstructions at certain points which will have to be navigated safely.
Movement is possible with irregular loads
Staying on the subject of irregular loads, it should be remembered that it is often the case that no two loads are the same and that means you will be facing a fresh challenge each time you take on a new transport task.
It is often the case that machinery as well as timber, for instance, are commonly transported via a flatbed truck and these are often subject to movement even when they have been secure down and tarped.
This movement could place you at risk when you are moving around the trailer and the best safety practice in this situation is to make sure that you take care where you step and always aim to walk on a stable surface that is clear of debris.
Follow strict safety protocols when loading and unloading
There are numerous dangers that you face as a driver when you are tasked with loading and unloading your vehicle.
Although there are some basic safety procedures that you should follow every time you are carrying out your task of loading or unloading the truck it is also wise to carry out an individual risk assessment each time so that you are aware of any specific issues or dangers.
The sort of safety basics that you need to consider includes checking whether there are any obstructions above or around the vehicle that you need to account for and whether there are any specific safety instructions that need to be exchanged between the transport company and the recipient.
Dealing with limited space
There will be plenty of occasions where you will be parking your flatbed truck in challenging circumstances such as trying to park in an area where space is extremely limited.
There are several safety concerns attached to this scenario.
As well as facing the task of parking the vehicle safely there is also the prospect of putting yourself at risk if you have very little space to work with when loading or unloading the contents of your truck.
Always consider your environment and make a plan that accounts for any objects that might get in your way.
Danger on different levels
There is little doubt that some aspects of the loading and unloading procedures are more challenging and dangerous than others and that is why you need to become adept at identifying and ranking various danger zones around your truck.
If you specifically identify and understand the dangers you face in this zone it will help you to be more vigilant when it is most required.
Focus on properly securing your load
A primary safety consideration is how you manage to safely secure the load that you are carrying.
It is essential that you have access to all the equipment you need to load and transport the items as safely as possible, which means having the ropes, chains, straps, winches, and chain binders that you need.
Another important safety aspect is having the training and knowledge required to be able to use this equipment and secure everything properly. If the load requires more than one person, make sure that anyone else involved in the procedure has the same level of ability and training and understands what is required of them.
Teamwork makes all the difference
Following on from that, it is well worth reiterating how critical it is that everyone involved with the loading or unloading process is on the same page and working as a team.
One of the main benefits of teamwork is that you will enjoy a good level of communication and that means there are less likely to be any mistakes and you will also be improving your odds of avoiding injury if you are all working together as a team.
Make sure you are dressed and ready for the job ahead
Wearing the right clothing and footwear will greatly reduce the risk of slipping, falling, or suffering any other type of accident that could cause you serious injury.
Having the right type of boots and a decent pair of safety gloves is a real no-brainer and it is the right professional approach to take when you are being tasked with such a responsibility as driving a flatbed truck.
Safety and awareness should always be at the forefront of your mind when you have the keys to your truck in your hand.