4 Ways To Improve Customer Experience

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Customer experience is about more than your services and products alone; it encompasses the consumer’s full interaction with your company. From interacting with your brand on socials to navigating the blog posts on your site, it’s important to consider every exchange as valuable. The first thing that you should do is seek to improve the UX design of your site and or apps. A great UX design professional can provide you with this service quickly and effectively. Beyond this, consider these four options.


1 . QR codes


QR codes are essentially scannable barcodes that allow customers to access your applications, websites, or information associated with your company. Consumers can simply scan a QR code into their phones to reach the desired endpoint.QR codes offer customers a unique way in which to experience your products and services. Perhaps you could put a QR code onto your packaging for extra product info? Maybe instead, you could put QR codes in your stores to offer personal shopping services, fast-checkout, or music special playlists. With an effective QR maker, you’ll soon add a zest of creativity to your customer experience.


2 . Virtual reality


Virtual reality is a niche marketing hack, which provides your customers with a special shopping experience. There are plenty of ways that you can incorporate virtual reality into your products and services. UK fashion retailer Topshop recently created a VR experience in association with London fashion week. The store offered consumers a virtual seat at their fashion show via wearing a VR headset. This amazing marketing campaign gave customers the best (virtual) seats in the show- right next to the celebrities and the fashion runway itself! 

McDonald’s have also previously created a VR experience in the form of their ‘Happy Goggles’. The company designed a happy meal box that can be folded in a VR headset. The campaign was a huge success, allowing children to access high-tech tools in an accessible and inexpensive way. Why not try a little VR to supercharge your marketing strategy?


  1. Personalization


Customers don’t want to feel like another face in the crowd; they want to feel valued, respected, and heard. To improve customer experience, it’s all about personalization. Instead of creating a generic email marketing list, create groups that break down your customers into types. This way, you can deliver a more personalized email campaign to each different group. Send your customers digital birthday cards that include discounts, and personalize your responses on social media.


  1. Chatbots


Chatbots can serve customers via your website using AI technology and instant messaging. Instant messaging is a preferred method of customer service amongst many consumers. This is probably due to the ease of use, plus the fact that live chat functions are available 24/7. Customers will often have small issues and queries on your website, whether about payment or shipping. With a chatbot, you remove the need for them to call your company, as the AI can deal with the query there and then. Of course, this isn’t to say that you remove the need for human customer service altogether, just that you are utilizing technology to give your consumer more options.

4 Ways To Improve Customer Experience