Is It Still Smart To Start A Fashion Company In 2020?

When it comes to tough markets with lots of competition, then fashion and clothing retail might seem like one of the unfriendliest industries to get started in. However, one of the beauties of this industry is that it’s always changing and, thus, always opening the door for new entrepreneurs to find their niche. Here are a few factors you can consider capitalising on while getting started with clothing.

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Have a brand ready to go ahead of time

Branding is essential, especially in the world of fashion. Clothing is a very personal purchase and, for that reason, customers tend to buy what “speaks” to them. They want something that defines and reflects their identity and having a brand identity that does just that creates the all-important emotional connection between the market and your products. Do your research on your target market, find their values, and reflect them in your branding.


Find your manufacturing partners

A consistent supply of your best products is essential for finding profit in the fashion world. As such, when you’re starting the business, you need to have your manufacturing process already set up. You might be able to design and create in-house, but can you do it at a rate to help grow the business and meet market demands? Be careful when choosing a manufacturer, they are not just a service provider, but an essential partner in your business.


Catch onto the sustainability trend

A lot of people are growing a lot more concerned with how their purchases affect the wider environment, and this is reflected in how they buy. More people are cutting back on brands due to their failure to go green, so you can be the replacement they need. For recyclable packaging to modal fabric by Tencel, there are plenty of ways to make your clothing line a lot greener. Then be sure to shout about it in your marketing to catch the attention of that eco-friendly audience.


Network, network, network

Fashion is about influence. If you get influencers on your side, then you’re getting much wider access to a pre-built audience. Having well-known bloggers, Youtubers, Instagrammers and the like all wearing your products can give you the kind of visibility and profile that can take years to build up otherwise. There are influencer marketing platformers like Rakuten that specialize in helping businesses connect with those kinds of known faces, too.


Customers are queen/king

A small business can really take advantage when they have excellent customer service. You might not have room for the huge marketing budget that your competitors do, but you can offer them an experience that larger, unwieldy companies can’t, especially with the help of customer support tools like Olark.


As a lifestyle industry, clothing and fashion are competitive, but they’re also one of the most flexible. Whether you can disrupt the market with something new and bold, or simply take advantage of the trends before others, there is a lot of potential to make a very healthy start indeed.

Is It Still Smart To Start A Fashion Company In 2020?