The Best Ways To Stay In Touch As A Business

As a small business, you need to stay in touch with your customers. You need to be sure you can bring them back when you have a great deal going on, and you want to know whether or not your marketing is working. But what is the best way to stay in touch, when you’re a business looking for both repeat custom and new customers? Well, we’ve listed a few of the top methods below. Be sure to keep them in mind when planning your next marketing move. 

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Don’t Be Overbearing


You don’t want to annoy your customers, and to ensure you’re never doing so, you need to watch out for overbearing behavior. Don’t spam a customer with all kinds of messages and/or emails, and definitely don’t cold call them! Don’t interrupt their days, and make yourself convenient for them to see and pay attention to. 


You need to know your customers’ downtime, so you can better plan when to send out marketing messages. Make sure you provide the option for feedback, or to be put onto a blacklist if the customer doesn’t want to hear anymore from you. It’s the best way to garner a little bit of respect! 


Keep in Touch via the Phone


Everyone owns a phone, and everyone who walks into your shop is going to have a phone in their pocket. Similarly, people are going to use their phone to shop with you, if you have an online ecommerce portion as part of your business model. And because of this, it’s one of the best ways to stay in touch with any and all customers. 


You can even start sms marketing as a business; mass messaging is one of the best ways to get a clear and precise message out to your customers all at once, and to ensure they receive it. Because emails can very well end up in a spam folder or passed straight into the trash, but if a text message pops up on someone’s screen, they’re going to pay attention to it. 


Open Up on Social Media


Social media is where everyone gathers these days, and because of this, you cannot afford to be private on social media. So open up a business account, and ensure it can accept messages/comments from people visiting it. Don’t come across as too serious in your professionalism, as social media business accounts walk a very fine line here. 


Having a social media profile is a good way to put yourself out there; it’s a great way to ensure you’re collecting feedback, and it’s the most convenient way to talk to your customers. You’re on their level, allowing them to connect with you more personally, and you’ll be able to show off how quick and easy your own response times are. 


Staying in touch, as a business, can seem hard. But you can get on your customer’s level and make it easy for them to stay in touch with you. 

The Best Ways To Stay In Touch As A Business