The Benefits That Employees Really Want in 2020

When it comes to running your company, enticing the best people, and keeping them happy, benefits are essential. In fact, with the right kinds of benefits, you can incentivize your workforce and encourage them to stay with you in the long term. Of course, that means you have to know exactly what type of benefits most appeal to employees in 2020—a topic that you can read more about below. 

Health insurance – medical, dental, visual

First of all, in 2020, employees will expect at the very least good health insurance benefits. Of course, this means medical but should also extend to dental and visual insurance. After all, procedures and treatments such as invisible braces and laser eye surgery are becoming more popular. Therefore, paying at least some of the costs with insurance money can be hugely appealing to many people. 


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Additionally, there is plenty of flexibility with things like visual insurance these days from which your employees can benefit. For example, they can use out of network benefits on online opticians sites like to access a wide range of frames and styles. This can help them get the best out of their plan, even if their original agreed glasses provider does not stock the latest styles. 

Maternity and paternity leave 

Another significant benefit that many employees find appealing is decent maternity and paternity leave and pay when choosing to start a family. You can offer several benefits here, including above the statutory pay per month for those on parental leave. Although by offering an extended period when they can take paternity leave, up to 12 months for the primary carer of the child and up to two months for the secondary carer, will also help you attract and keep the best employees over the long term.  


Just as Jack Nicholson’s character in the Shining writes: “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” We mean that businesses that expect 100% from employees all the time will end up with lots of burned-out workers and the absences and lack of productivity this causes to boot. 

With that in mind, anything you can do to encourage your workers to get a good work -life balance is useful. In particular, this means offering flexi-time as a benefit. It allows workers to complete either necessary hours and save up time off to do other things that are meaningful to them outside of work. 

Meal boxes 

Lastly, in 2020 people are leading busy lives, and balancing every aspect can be challenging, especially when they are busy at work. To that end, offering meal boxes from companies like that provide pre-portioned ingredients to make fast and nutritious meals can be a compelling benefit indeed. 


It’s not just the convenience that is appealing here, but also the lack of food waste, which will please the environmentally conscientious, and the economic saving that can be made too. All of which will help motivate your employees and ensure they stay working for you in the long term. 


The Benefits That Employees Really Want in 2020