Someone once said that if you have a job that doesn’t involve any stress, you don’t really have a job. Some might argue with that point, but it’s certainly true that work can be a major source of stress for people. When you add to that the stress of home life, finances, and other matters, modern Americans are in for quite a few resulting health effects, such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, weakened immune systems, and insomnia.
Managing Stress with Healthy Measures
Considering the many potentially detrimental effects stress can bring about, getting it in check before it has a chance to cause harm is essential. This may seem like an impossible feat to some people. After all, trying to figure out how to reduce your stress levels could be stressful in its own right. Still, certain simple measures can help reduce your stress and keep it at manageable levels.
1) Massage
Studies show that corporate massage can be an immensely helpful way to alleviate stress. It promotes relaxation and mental well-being while combating pain, boosting immunity, and fighting insomnia among other benefits. At the very least, it’ll ease muscle soreness and make you feel a bit pampered for a few moments. Even that can work wonders when you’re dealing with extreme stress.
2) Understand the Sources of Your Stress
When asked what causes them stress at work, many people are quick to paint an all-inclusive picture. Though it may seem that way on the surface, there are specific stressors that send you into a downward spiral. Spend a week or two observing your daily work routines and pinpointing exactly which tasks or scenarios cause you the most stress at work or make ordinary situations more stressful than they should be.
Do you simply have too much on your plate? Does a specific coworker get under your skin? Does it seem like too many demands are being placed on you by people who don’t truly understand what your job entails? Figuring out your main sources of stress is the key to overcoming them.
3) Find Better Ways to Cope
As you’re figuring out what sparks your stress, take note of how you respond to the situation. Do you opt for a snack or step outside to smoke? Perhaps you yell at coworkers or venture to the restroom to punch a wall. Maybe hold everything inside until you get home and have an adult beverage to help ease the tension. Experts recommend choosing healthy ways of mitigating stress, such as exercise or meditation. You may even be able to work through your stress by knitting or going for a long drive after work.
4) Separate Work from Home
Truly separating work from home isn’t as easy these days as it once was. No doubt, you probably get emails, calls, and text messages from your boss or coworkers at all hours. It’s okay to ignore them for a time each evening. Arm your phone’s “do not disturb” function. Explain to the offenders that you need a little break from work in the evenings so you can unwind and spend time with your family. No one can be on the clock all the time.
5) Talk about It
Virtually everyone suffers from the effects of stress. That means almost anyone you talk to will understand where you’re coming from. Talk to your friends, family members, or even your boss about your work-related stress, what’s causing it, and how it’s affecting you. That, alone, can make a world of difference.
Giving Yourself a Chance to Recover
Stress is a powerful force, but it’s not unstoppable. You may not be able to eliminate stress from your life, but you can certainly manage it. Determine what causes the most stress and how you react to it. Replace unhealthy coping mechanisms with more favorable ones. Allow yourself to take a break from work especially when you’re not on the clock. Don’t be afraid to let your thoughts and feelings be known. All these measures will help you manage stress and control the effects it has on you.