Big Data For Small Businesses

If you’re an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you already know perfectly well that carving out a niche in the market for yourself is extremely challenging.  Competition is especially stiff in large metropolitan areas, and small businesses need to capitalize fully on every possible advantage to thrive and grow.


Today big well-established companies can take advantage of big data technology to handle all of their commercial information. Big data delivers efficiency and insights that major corporations can turn into bigger profits. Alex Viall, the director of the UK’s Mustard IT corporation, says that these benefits shouldn’t belong exclusively to huge businesses. Startups and small businesses can leverage the power of big data, too. Are you ready to unlock this toolset for your own business?



Finding The Flexible Solution


Because they were initially aimed at huge organizations, a lot of big data solutions call for enormous investment in IT resources. In many cases, big data obliges an organization to scrap its existing IT department and rebuild from the ground up. This is simply not an option for smaller businesses with limited financial resources.


What small businesses need to do is go hunting for big data tools that deliver only the core functionality they’re looking for and do it in a way that can be smoothly integrated into their existing IT systems. The best big data packages for small and medium-sized businesses are now being offered with this sort of flexibility in mind. They deliver impressive capabilities that can be tailored to the specific needs of the organization without requiring the operators to make any significant changes to their existing IT systems. Service providers have learned to court smaller customers by freely offering this sort of less-intrusive big data capability.



The Value Of Simplicity


For the small business user, big data solutions absolutely have to be streamlined and easy to operate according to Capita ITPS. Smaller organizations do not have the time or resources to suffer through an extended set-up process; they need solutions that can be fully implemented within a timeframe measured in weeks at most. Any adjustments required to integrate big data functionality into a small organization’s toolset need to be simple and easy to implement; a solution that obliges business owners to engage expensive third-party specialists in order to set it up is less than ideal. Once setup is complete, big data tools also need to be easy to operate. Training requirements for your existing staff should be kept to a minimum, and the effective maintenance of the big data solutions need to fit comfortably within the capabilities of your existing IT department.



Economic Considerations


Big data comes at a price. For smaller operators, that price has to be reasonable and easy to justify with the increased opportunities big data delivers. Small and medium-sized business clients are entitled to look for services that deliver just the features they need without charging them for unused functionality. One service model that’s particularly suited to the needs of a small but growing business is an extensible licensing strategy. This allows a service provider to enhance and expand the toolset provided to the client only when their growing needs require it. For a rapidly-growing business, this sort of pricing flexibility can be positively invaluable.


The big data customer is still responsible for finding the right pricing model. The solutions being purchased need to be chosen with wisdom and insight into the organization’s current and future needs.



Exercising Sensible Caution


Now that big data is filtering down to smaller businesses, there are tremendous opportunities opening up for entrepreneurs and small business owners. There are now multiple big options appearing in the marketplace that have been tailored by their providers to meet the needs of smaller businesses. This does not mean that every solution is appropriate for every business!



Do Your Homework


It is absolutely vital that you understand both the possibilities and limitations of big data for your organization. Research the matter thoroughly before you reach the step of talking to IT firms about the services they provide. As with all business-to-business relationships, in big data IT service the rule of “let the buyer beware” is in full effect. Picking out the wrong big data service or hiring the wrong service provider can lead to expensive, time-consuming problems down the road.


It’s also necessary to enter into the big data field with a realistic understanding of the costs involved. The exact price of the services you engage will depend on your specific needs, but before making any commitments you need to make absolutely certain you have the financial resources you need to take full advantage of what big data has to offer.


Employee training is the final vital component in the big data picture. The best tools in the world will end up being wasted if your team does not understand how to operate them. A trained and confident workforce is absolutely essential for getting the most out of big data solutions. Committing yourself to training up your team is also an investment in your future IT needs. Solid training will enable you to handle minor maintenance tasks in-house and enable your team to make wise decisions regarding big data in the future.


Are you ready to unlock the full potential of big data for improving and building your business? Start educating yourself on the topic today and get in touch with the IT providers who can deliver the right big data tools for your organization.


Big Data For Small Businesses