Bulletproof Growth Tactics For Your Construction Startup

Once you have got started in the construction industry, you’ll find that you soon peak when it comes to acquiring new customers. There’s only so much you can do with two or three pairs of hands, after all. However, if you want more success, you will have to explore the potential for growth. And, there is plenty of that potential in many more places than you might think. Read on to find out how construction startups can get past those first-year blues and develop their customer base.




Have confidence


Many construction startups fail to grow at a decent rate because they don’t believe they can. It’s a simple as that, but it’s an attitude you need to work on if you want to improve your client base. Look at the successes in the construction industry and you will see a common theme – they all take on bigger, better jobs than their competitors. Stop chasing the small, low-paying jobs where margins are tight and have a bit of belief about yourself. The bigger contracts you win, the more well known you will become.




First class machine maintenance


In construction, the better machinery you have, the better – and quicker – you can do your job. Straight away, this means you have a distinct advantage over your competitors. There is no customer out there who wants to wait longer for you to finish your work, after all. So get to know your machines well, so you can fix them yourself when – inevitably – they break down. You won’t be able to fix everything, of course. Let’s say you puncture the hydraulic hose on your construction digger. It’s not something that the average person can replace, but you will need it fast. So, develop relationships with third party companies with expertise in machine repairs.  Don’t forget, every day that goes by without completion, the fewer recommendations you will get from customers. And every day without essential equipment means you aren’t working or earning.




Invest in people


You will also rely a lot on the people you employ. Without a good team in place, you will be unable to work multiple sites and cover more jobs. You’ll need labourers, tradespeople, and all kinds of construction members, of course. But you will also need to consider hiring support staff. A sales team can help you find more prospects. An admin team will help you keep your paperwork and customer service in order. And, a human resources specialist will keep you onside with regards to your employer responsibilities. Now, this might sound a lot right now – particularly if you are a small company with just you and a labourer at the moment. But if you can’t think big, you will never grow – and people will be central to that growth.




Be strategic


Once you start growing, your role is going to change – it’s unavoidable. And, it’s where many construction startups fail. Sure, you might be great at building and running onsite activity. But to head up a larger company, you will need to understand a lot more about general business strategy. It’s strategy that is going to help you realise where you are going wrong and assess where you are – at any time. So, while your company is still starting up, consider going on a specialist business course to help you become better at planning.


This article was provided by ellie jo

Bulletproof Growth Tactics For Your Construction Startup