How Your Business’ Interior Affects The Bottom Line

For business owners, there are plenty of things which might harm profits. Staff turnover rate is a big one, as is the cost of labor. Not to scare anyone, but machines can do jobs just as well as human beings. One thing which won’t appear high on the list is interior design. Sure, it’s nice to have an environment where everybody feels comfortable yet it isn’t a money-spinner.


Well, that’s where you’re wrong.


The layout and design of your premises can result in a lot of money being left on the table, cash you can’t afford to lose. Below are the reasons why.

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Sunlight Express


Summer is gone and fall is here. Shortly, winter will be along and the hours of sunlight will dwindle. So what? It happens every year and it has nothing to do with employees doing their job. Actually, it does because the lack of light will encourage them to slack off. Thanks to the fact that the darkness is everywhere, it’s easier for workers to feel uninspired and unimaginative. Even if the tasks are easy they will find a way to procrastinate. Creating a light, open environment will stop them from wasting time and energy, which will keep output and productivity levels steady. Bay windows and plants all around!


The Beaten Path


People walk in and out of the workplace on a daily basis. As a result, the flooring takes a battering from Monday to Friday. Some bosses won’t care because it is only hardwood or carpet, yet it affects a variety of things. To begin with there is the impact on your employees who don’t want to spend their time in a messy, rugged office. Also, you need to think about the impression it sends out to your guests. If the flooring is downtrodden, they’ll link it to the brand. Axminster Carpet has heavy duty threads for material boys and girls, whereas real hardwood is best for contemporary people. It’s expensive yet lasts longer than laminate.


Green Grass Of Home


Don’t forget that interior design comes under the “overhead” bracket on your expenses list. And, you should try as much as possible to slash your overheads to save money. They might be small compared to some costs but they’re a lot easier to eliminate. Take a thick carpet which is designed for a high amount of traffic – it’s going to last a lot longer than a thin fake. As a result, you’ll save a fair chunk of money not having to replace the furniture regularly.




As strange as it seems, the best employees don’t just care about money. Their wage is a big deal of course, yet they want more from an employer. On their list is a modern, healthy work environment. Think of Google’s offices with bean bag chairs, nap rooms and high-quality food in the canteen. If your layout isn’t up to scratch, they won’t accept an offer to work for you no matter how much money you throw around.



Without productive employees who are great at their jobs and the ability to slash expenses, the business is going to waste its budget.

How Your Business’ Interior Affects The Bottom Line