A Concise Guide to Business Broadband

Do you have a business with an online presence but are beginning to wonder if your broadband supplier is the best for your needs? Do you think that maybe you can find a more cost-effective option with another provider? Does the service lag and stall? Or have you been working with the domestic package and are wondering if their service could improve with a dedicated business provider and business broadband.


This following list of tips will allow you to choose the best product from the various options available:


1)      Cost


Costs of business can accumulate higher than can be expected and it is essential to keep these as lows as possible. There are many price ranges available and making the best selection for your needs will be crucial. So to get the best broadband deal review the features and choose a competitive buyer.


2)      Service


Your internet services can’t grind to a halt as you switch providers. If you are setting up with a business provider for the first time, you will need your internet services and phone connections online right away. Look for the service that can provide the smoothest transitions and easy setup. Nothing is as bad as throwing the workplace out of action as websites are loaded and files accessed.


3)      Speed


Do you have a good connection speed? Everyone knows that the speed of your internet provider should be faster than the speed of business and this leaves little time for loading screens and application failures.


4)      Usage


An 8MB connection will allow you to process 8million bytes of information each second. This is equivalent to a document containing 8 million characters, about a third of an MP3 file and 1 full image. Many businesses have decided that this is not nearly fast enough and are using 24MB speeds and higher. This is a good option if your clients and colleagues are fans of faster internet. Connections can also be shared through a router and the more MBs per second you have the faster the work is accomplished.


5)      Connection sharing


The traditional phone line operated on a dedicated line that conveys the message along a private path. The broadband connections today work more like a large multi lane highway and many different messages and pieces of information can be travelling along this path simultaneously. This can lead to traffic that becomes congested. The contention ratio shows how many other users could be on the same band as you. A residential broadband will have a ratio of about 50:1 while those used for business reasons can have a much faster contention ratio of 20:1.


6)      Network priority


Another way to improve the operational speed of your internet connections would be to have them use a connection not shared with video traffic and gaming traffic. Domestic connections are saturated with this type of information and it can gum up the works.  Broadband connections on the other hand de-prioritize these domestic type traffic and give business services the fast lane.


7)      Spam protection


If you are spending a bit more on a good connection you will want a dedicated service that is not filled with distractions and spam, viruses and junk data of all types. A proper business band will have special measures in place that eliminate this type of traffic from the internet. This will allow your business service to operate at faster and more efficient speeds.


8) Line Rental


Most of these services offer a line rental as a side option for your broadband connection. Be sure you have fully researched the cost of this feature before you sign on.


A Concise Guide to Business Broadband