Cut Out Cutting Corners With Office Maintenance


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Maintenance is one of the issues that business owners tend to put off for as long as possible. They often see it as an unnecessary expense that can be dodged completely. After all, what’s the worst that can happen if you don’t keep your company office well maintained. Well, we’ll tell you because the impact of this decision might be quite shocking. Let’s start by thinking about how your staff will react to a poorly maintained building.


Trouble With Employees


If your business isn’t properly maintained you might have trouble keeping it comfortable for your employees. For instance, let’s say that the heating is touch and go. One day it works, the next it doesn’t, and you haven’t been in touch with a pro to find out what on earth is wrong with it. Instead, you’ve cut costs and corners, deciding to take the chilly office days as they come. After all, it’s not as if the boiler has shut down completely…yet. If you do this, you could be accused of providing an environment that is not suitable to work in. When that happens you may find you have a number of legal claims from disgruntled employees tired of wearing gloves at their office desk. A commercial plumber can look at your pipes quickly and ensure that everything is working as it should be. If it’s not, they can even provide a solution that offers great value for your money.


Of course, a few unhappy employees isn’t the only issue that you can create with your workers. Due to poor maintenance you might find that there are more accidents in the office. Under premises liability you will be held accountable for any issue like this in a court of law. It could cost your business hundreds of thousands in damages. Cutting corners probably doesn’t sound like such a good idea now, but there are more problems than this.


Attracting New Clients And Customers


Next, you need to think about your clients and customers. If you are maintaining your office, it should be both clean and tidy. If it’s not, new clients may attach a number of negative connotations and ideas to your company. If your office looks poorly managed they might assume that the job they require will be too. For instance, imagine if you walked into an office with papers and files strewn across the desk. You wouldn’t want that company dealing with your sensitive company information would you. That’s why you should hire a cleaner and porter for your company. They will ensure your business office always looks spick and span, ready to impress new customers.


Trouble With Health


Finally, you might find that a poorly maintained office leads to more absences and sickness. If that’s the case you’ll struggle to keep efficiency levels high, particularly if you are missing key members of your staff. The good news is that it’s easy to keep your office healthy just by making sure it is clean and warm. Do this and you can limit the number of employees who are off through the year with bugs and viruses.


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Cut Out Cutting Corners With Office Maintenance