Every Drop Matters: 5 Clear Benefits of Water Conservation

Considering that 71% of the earth is covered in water, it would seem like there is enough for every need. In fact, 97% of the planet’s supply is salt water that cannot be consumed. A mere .5% is drinkable. The remaining supplies are underground or too polluted to use. With these facts in mind, countries around the world have conservation projects in place to conserve usable water supplies. These efforts help prevent lethal droughts that lead to food shortages and economic problems. Conservation projects guard the environment, save energy, and can reduce utility costs.

1.) Protecting Water Supplies All Life on Earth

The simple truth is that without water life on earth would cease to exist in days. That fact is painfully obvious in areas of the world that go through regular droughts. Not only do they not have enough water for drinking and personal use, but they also cannot grow the food needed to grow food, which often keeps economies going. Even when countries do not experience severe droughts, most now suffer from several types of pollution that limit healthy water supplies. With that in mind, it is becoming common for homeowners, builders, and architects to coordinate projects with providers who supply water-saving plumbing and fixtures. Clients who want to learn ways to conserve the maximum amount of water often visit provider websites and find more here.

2.) Saving Water Can Reduce Utility Bills

Everyone from corporate building managers to homeowners is searching for ways to reduce utility bills by lowering their water bills. Individuals often take steps like installing low-flow showerheads, water-saving hot water heaters, and even more efficient toilets. Local governments also conserve water to cut utility bills. An article in the balance small business points out that a ready and affordable supply of usable water is important to keep communities beautiful and provide outdoor recreational areas.

3.) Guarding Water Supplies Is Important to Eco-Systems

When water supplies are diminished or rendered unusable, entire sections of the earth’s ecosystems can be destroyed. For example, runoff from agriculture and industrial pollution destroys water supplies, which then kills fish and reduces the amount of healthy water wildlife need to survive. Per the experts at isustainableearth.com, oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams feed into local ecosystems. Without water conservation efforts, they can become too polluted to support life.

4.) Conserving Water Helps Save Energy

Saving water can also reduce energy use, which is also important to the long-term health of the planet. It takes a lot of energy to pump water from central locations into local supplies. For example, in California, 6.5% of all energy used in the state is devoted to supplying water. When citizens conserve and protect water, they can dramatically reduce energy requirements.

5.) Water Conservation Helps Prevent Sinkholes

In areas like Florida that are prone to sinkhole formation, maintaining healthy water supplies can be critical. That is because low water supplies in aquifers create voids. Gravity then pushes the ground down and creates a gap. While some sinkholes are just minor inconveniences, they can be large enough to cause hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage.

Water conservation is one of the most critical concerns on earth today because life will not exist long without usable water. Conservation efforts can protect current water supplies and ensure they remain healthy. Water conservation also reduces energy use, helps protect ecosystems, lowers utility bills, and can even prevent sinkholes from forming.


Every Drop Matters: 5 Clear Benefits of Water Conservation