Going Green: Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Business 100%

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Image Credit: Pexels CC0 Licence 

Everyone needs to be much more aware of their impact on the environment. Wildfires are raging, the ice caps are melting and, frankly, everyone needs to up their game. Businesses, in particular, are well-placed to start setting a good example. Indeed, given that customers are looking more closely at business practices, it could be profitable to do so. 


So, what are the best options for your business?

Reduce Emissions

Emissions are the greatest threat to the environment right now and finding clean energy alternatives should be a top priority. You could install solar panels or a wind turbine if you have the money to spend but switching to a clean energy provider is probably a lot easier. You should also look at where you can reduce your energy consumption and might even consider ways to conserve water


Another way to reduce energy consumption is to encourage your employees to change their habits. Putting up a bicycle shelter is a good way to encourage people to cycle to work and offering discounted tickets for public transport could help too. You could also offer your employees a chance to work from home, completely removing the need for commuting, even if it’s just for a day a week.

Go Wild

If we know anything about protecting the environment, it’s that trees and plants can do a lot of the hard work for us. There are a wide range of tree planting initiatives around the world and the target to plant a trillion trees requires everyone’s help. If your business has a courtyard or even a bit of space outside the front door for a tree, every little helps. 


You should also consider adding plants inside. Indoor plants are brilliant for improving the air quality, making people feel less stressed and may even heighten creativity. Instead of relying on A/C, plants can filter the air and may even help to regulate the temperature of your office with their extra humidity.


As a rough guide, choosing plants that require little attention is the best option for most businesses. Native plants will always work best so do take some time to do some research. If you really get into your gardening, you might also like to look into local endangered plants and broaden your efforts that way. 

Support Others

Your efforts as a business are really worthwhile but you might also consider supporting others through your corporate responsibility. Sponsoring a worthwhile cause, either by offering financial aid or by offering your services at a reduced rate, can help to make a real difference. 


Supporting good causes might sound expensive but it can actually be really beneficial to your company. Giving your employees time to work on projects that are important to them can boost morale and bring the team together. There are also financial incentives such as tax breaks and more appealing marketing campaigns to consider.


The more your company can do to support and protect the environment, the better. Everyone can do something to help and your business might be perfectly placed to set an outstanding example. 

Going Green: Environmentally Friendly Solutions for Business 100%