Going Green: Simple Ways To Make Your Company Eco-Friendly



Going green is big news these days. Climate change is constantly being covered by the media, and there are various reasons why we should all strive to lead greener lives, both at home and in the office. But how exactly do you make your business an environmentally friendly environment? There are numerous actions you can take to create an eco-friendly workspace. Here are some of the easiest to get started with.

Add Solar Panels

Solar energy is one of the best forms of renewable energy that we can use at the minute. So it is important to try and utilize this in your office. If you own the entire building, then you should be able to add the required solar panels to the roof without any problem. However, if you are renting your workspace, you might have to get the go-ahead from the landlord first. If you let your landlord know that there is plenty of financing available to help with the cost of getting panels installed, then they will be more likely to agree. You’ll be able to find many financing schemes, including Hero Program for solar.

Get Rid Of Plastic Bottles

Every year, we each produce a huge amount of plastic waste. This isn’t good for the environment at all. So help all of your employees cut down on their waste production by eliminating plastic bottles from your office. One way to do this is to encourage all your staff to bring in their own reusable water bottles. It is also a good idea to get rid of the plastic cups that come with water coolers. Your employees can simply refill their reusable bottles at the water cooler instead.



Work With Other Green Firms

It is very important to try and encourage other companies to go green and help in the fight against climate change. One way in which you can do this is to only do business with other environmentally friendly companies. If you aren’t sure about just how eco-friendly a company is, you can always ask them about their guidelines and processes. For instance, if you use a printing company, ask them if they work with recycled paper. Some vendors may give you the choice of using eco-friendly options.

Leave The Car At Home

As well as trying to encourage your employees to ditch the plastic bottles, you should also try and encourage them to leave their cars at home. Just think of all the gasses that are being released into the atmosphere every time your employees drive to and from work! You can offer your staff various incentives to try and encourage them to leave their cars at home. There are many alternative ways they can get to work. After all, they can always keep fit by walking or cycling. Failing that, there is always public transport, which often works out a lot cheaper than driving!

So what are you waiting for?! There are loads of advantages of turning your company green. Try it now to see!

Going Green: Simple Ways To Make Your Company Eco-Friendly