Health And Safety Considerations That Construction Companies Always Forget

Anybody that runs a construction business knows that health and safety is a key concern. There are a lot of dangerous machines and hazards that need to be managed properly. If you do not follow health and safety regulations to the letter, you risk injury for your employees, and you may be subject to some fines. Most construction companies understand this, but there are a lot of rules and sometimes, they simply forget some of them. You won’t be given the benefit of the doubt if a health and safety inspector catches you out, so it’s important that you remember all of these rules, no matter how trivial they may seem. These are some of the health and safety concerns that construction companies often forget. 

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Temporary Workers 


Temporary workers are a great resource in construction because they allow you to take on larger contracts, even if you don’t necessarily have enough full-time employees to handle the job. However, they can cause issues where health and safety is concerned. Many employers assume that they will have the same knowledge of health and safety procedures that their own employees do, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Whenever you take on temporary staff, you should spend a few hours going over the health and safety rules with them. That way, your back is covered and if anything goes wrong, you will not be liable because you went through the procedure with them. 




This is one that is often forgotten and it may be overlooked because companies are trying to save money. You are obliged to have a certain number of toilets on site depending on how many employees you have working there. It’s important that you check the regulations for your area and make sure that you install more Foothill Portable toilets if necessary. Not only will this stop you from breaking health and safety regulations, it will also increase productivity because you won’t have employees waiting in long lines to go to the toilet. 




Bad weather can cause a lot of dangers on a construction site, but a lot of construction companies do not alter their health and safety practices to account for it. If you want to maintain the safety of your employees, you need to know how to handle the weather. When it is wet and windy, there is an increased risk of falls, so it may be best to hold off on some work until conditions improve. Wet weather can also pose dangers when using electrical equipment, so make sure that everything is protected properly. 


Mental Health 


When working on a construction site, many of the dangers are physical. However, in any workplace, it is important that you monitor your employee’s mental health. If your employees are working long days and not taking any time off, the stress could get to them and increase their risk of developing a mental health issue. As an employer, it’s up to you to keep an eye on your employees and encourage them to take time off when they need it. If people are overworked, they are more likely to make mistakes and cause health and safety issues. 


If your construction company forgets about these important health and safety considerations, it could cause you some serious problems.  

Health And Safety Considerations That Construction Companies Always Forget