How To Improve The Appearance Of Your Brick & Mortar Store

woman in black long sleeve shirt standing in front of clothes



Running a retail store or restaurant isn’t just about your product or brand, it’s about the physical appearance of your store. Customers will judge your store on the aesthetics, and if your premises isn’t up to scratch, it’s likely that they will shop elsewhere. To enhance the look of your brick and mortar store, pay attention to the following.


1 . Interactive signage


According to MVix, ‘80% of brands that use digital signage record a substantial increase in sales, up to 33%, with a greater appeal towards epicurean product purchases as opposed to planned purchases.’


Interactive digital signage are digital signs that allow customers to experience content, and interact. Businesses can use these electronic displays to provide their customers with information. There are lots of benefits of using interactive digital signage including:


  • Improve engagement and the customer experience.
  • Digital signs can be updated more easily than traditional signs.
  • You can use these signs to educate, inform, and bring extra value.


2 . Visual merchandising 


To improve the appearance of your brick and mortar store you should focus on visual merchandising. It refers to how your store is visually displayed. Brands need to carefully consider their product displays, to entice consumers, and enrich the customer journey. Every element should be considered, from the fixtures to the decor style and the window displays. Excellent visual merchandising is the key to improving store appearance and boosting sales.


  1. Instagrammable elements


Modern customers enjoy using various social media platforms, they might interact with your business, with influencers, or with their friends. When customers shop, they don’t just want to buy products, they want an experience. According to BazaarVoice

Seventy-four percent of Americans value experiences over products. And that number is even higher among millennials.’ Millennials and gen z love to share Instagrammable snaps with their followers.


To improve the look of your store, add features and installations that are worthy of a selfie! Use quirky elements that make your store stand out! To help you find new customers, Instagrammable displays are what you need.


  1. Regular maintenance 


To improve your store, you can’t afford to skip on regular maintenance. A well kept store creates the right impression, whereas a neglected store has the opposite effect. Regularly inspect your flooring, your roof and your walls, replace broken fixtures immediately and perform regular health and safety checks. You might also need to work with a commercial pest control, to keep your premises pest free.


  1. Redecorate your store 


When was the last time your store was painted? A few interior decor updates can make a world of difference. When you’re choosing your color schemes, pay close attention to what’s trending. Use bright colors that make an impact, and remember that you are representing your brand. 


When you are decorating your store, focus on your brand story. Your store is a chance to tell your story, and to provide your customers with a unique experience. With the right improvements you’ll stand to boost sales and increase your customer base.


How To Improve The Appearance Of Your Brick & Mortar Store