How to Run a Sustainable Practice

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We are becoming growingly aware of the environmental impact of our lifestyles and this affects our businesses as well. It’s more advisable to attempt to run a sustainable business, as this not only better for the environment but makes a much more positive impression on clients. This also applies to private practices so if you’re in the medical or dental profession you might want to consider making a few upgrades to make your practice more sustainable.  


Be More Energy-efficient


If possible consider renewable energy resources such as solar panels. There are several private businesses, and not to mention larger companies, that successfully run off solar energy. If you can’t go solar, there are several ways you can reduce your consumption of gas and electricity. 




It’s a good idea to have regular maintenance checks and look at the condition of the whole building. Have the electrics checked and make sure everything is in working order, this also goes for plumbing and general building inspections. Consider upgrading to smart systems and boiler. More modern appliances are more energy-efficient and you can even control them from your smartphone and other devices. You will also make a better impression on your clients by going “smart”. 




Ensure that all your windows are double-glazed and this will protect you from the elements. You also want an optimum temperature for your patients’ comfort so make sure your practice is well-insulated. Don’t overuse heating or air-conditioning and these waste energy and could be detrimental to your patients’ health. Consult Perfect Practice for a full refit or renovation, if you feel your practice isn’t up to speed. They will help you through the complete design process. 




Switch to LED lightbulbs and try to get natural light where possible. Light quality is essential for this line of work but LEDs are much more durable and energy-efficient. Use interior design tricks to reflect light around the room, so use white as the main wall and ceiling colors, and buy patterned rugs with white in the design. 




The more efficiently you can run your practice the better. Ensure you use up-to-date software and update documents and patient information to a shared server. Try to minimize paper waste and printing to only when it is legally required. Install a unique system so that patients can check-in automatically and that you receive a notification. This will help you to run your practice more efficiently. 




While it’s paramount that your practice remains immaculately clean, it’s also required to implement a recycling system. Make sure all your staff and clients understand how to separate their waste into relevant containers. Buy cups and cutlery for communal areas that are made from sustainable materials. Encourage recycled tissue paper as well. 


Social Contribution


Organize environmentally-focused volunteer projects for you and your staff and display the results of your efforts in your practice, on a noticeboard for example. This will help to raise awareness while at the same time doing wonders for your image. 

How to Run a Sustainable Practice