How to Stay Motivated As an Entrepreneur with a Young Start-Up

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An entrepreneur’s life is a famously busy one, and likely to be filled with a good number of challenges, coming from a variety of different angles.

As is so often the case in different domains of life, the entrepreneurs who are most likely to be successful in the long term are the ones who have the ability to keep moving forward while remaining self-motivated, even when circumstances seem pretty bleak.


As an entrepreneur with a young start-up, in particular – one which hasn’t yet borne fruit, and which requires plenty of work – it’s not always easy to keep a positive attitude. So, here are some tips to stay motivated.


  • Find the bigger “meaning” and “service” in your work



One recurring theme that crops up time and time again, in the autobiographies and professional advice of a huge number of highly successful people, throughout history, and from around the world, is the importance of finding a bigger “meaning” to their work – and being of “service” to others.


For the vast majority of people, the desire to be successful, make lots of money, and feel dominant, can only take them so far.


It might not be too easy for you to identify the way in which your business is really benefiting the lives of other people. But give it some thought for a moment, and you’re likely to find that whatever it is you do, someone’s life is being made better because of it. If you provide a water chiller, for example, you’re making people’s lives not only more comfortable – but also likely much healthier, too. You may even be saving some lives.


As a general of thumb, if you can’t think of any ways in which your business is actually doing some good for others, you’re probably in the wrong business



  • Structure your life, as a whole, in a way that supports your energies and efforts



It’s just a lot easier to be consistent and optimistic at work, when the other parts of your life are properly managed, and when you have systems in place to replenish your energy in your off time.


If all you do is work like a maniac, and then eat junk food and go to sleep in a messy house afterwards, whatever stresses and pressures you’re facing are going to be exacerbated dramatically.


Clean up and structure your life as a whole. Get into a regular fitness routine. Tidy your house. Eat well. Get enough sleep. Before long, you can expect to find that your motivation and your drive are much higher.



  • Make time for a bit of “silence”



The famous Norwegian explorer an entrepreneur, Erling Kagge, once walked alone for more than 50 days in Antarctica, with a broken radio and no contact with other people.


He came to view the experience as profound – and has since written a book about the importance of finding moments for “silence” in everyday life; by which he means simplicity and the reduction of distraction.


Research has indicated that stress levels rise when we have too much “information clutter” to deal with. Put away your phone, and switch off your computer once in a while. Enjoy some silence.

How to Stay Motivated As an Entrepreneur with a Young Start-Up