Improve External Business Communication: Here’s How

When you make the effort to improve external business communication, you should notice that your customer satisfaction increases tenfold. Appropriate business communication is essential for ensuring everybody is on the same page and providing the best service imaginable. Here, we’re going to discuss external business communication and how it can be improved.  


Is there anything you can do to improve your external business communication? 

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Connecting with Your Audience

Aiming to connect with your audience is key, because it helps you to build relationships and keep them coming back. Advertising can help you to do this if you do it right. Make sure you understand the buyer journey, and ensure you know which part of this you’d like to appeal to. 



A networking campaign will allow you to build external connections. Events and seminars can be great for this. There’s nothing like building a face to face connection when you want a long lasting business relationship. 


Web Content And Blogging

Creating high quality content that your audience can depend on is a brilliant way to add value to their lives. Remember, the first thing many potential customers will do before they decide to work with you is search for you in Google. Assuming your web content shows up, this is your chance to appeal to them for the first time. Marketers who blog are up to 13 times more likely to experience a good ROI. Companies that blog also generate up to 67% more leads than their peers. 


Use Texts 

Texting isn’t just for informal relationships anymore. Businesses can now use services like TextBetter to keep customers updated, remind them of appointments, and more. People often prefer texting these days to other kinds of communication, so doing this can increase customer satisfaction. Texting is also better because it allows you to remind them of whatever the issue is immediately, not relying on them opening your email. Many emails get ignored because they tend to look the same, so even if your message is important, it doesn’t mean somebody will read it or see it in time. 


Social Media 

Social media is one of the most important external communication tools that brands can use. Make sure you know where to find your audience and that you’re there, waiting. Don’t just sit there and see if they decide to follow/message you though – get involved in various discussions and start your own conversations. See how and where you’re being mentioned and communicate. It makes a huge difference. 67% of consumers use social media to make customer service enquiries, so ensure you’re prepared to provide customer service using these platforms. 

Improving your external communications is an ongoing process, and the advice above can help you to get started. Remember, improving your internal communications can have a direct affect on your external communications. Ensuring everybody in the workplace is on the same page and happy will pay off. 

Are you going to use any of the strategies listed here? Let us know! 


Improve External Business Communication: Here’s How