How To Improve Patient Retention In Your Medical Practice

Running a successful medical practice is no simple task. You want to attract as many new patients as you can and do what is necessary to expand and grow, but, at the same time, you can’t inadvertently neglect those that are already with you. After all, it only takes one bad experience for a patient to go elsewhere. For this reason, you need to focus on patient satisfaction and invest some time and money into improving your patient retention. With that in mind, here are six things that you should do to improve patient retention in your medical practice.

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Treat Patients With Respect

Successful practices always treat patients with the highest level of respect, ensuring that every encounter is a positive and helpful one. They make sure that waiting rooms are comfortable, that family members and other support are welcomed, and that side-conversations during exams and consultations are kept to a minimum. To boost patient retention, you must do the same thing.


Take Negative Feedback Seriously

In this technologically-minded world, potential patients tend to look at online reviews before they decide to join a new practice. For this reason, you need to take your reviews seriously and ensure that you address any negative ones the best that you can. If you plan on replying to these negative reviews, you need to do so in a way that shows that you truly care about your patients.

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Stick To Your Schedule

One of the most common issues patients have with their practice is how long they have to wait past their appointment time before they’re actually seen. Although there are going to be some instances when it isn’t possible, as a general rule, you should try to stick to your schedule as closely as you can. Make sure that you boost practice efficiency to cut down on wasted time.


Expand The Services Available

When a patient joins a practice, they tend to assume that all of their medical needs will be seen to there. Unfortunately, depending on your services, that may not be possible. For this reason, you may want to invest in new equipment, like a spirometer or 3d ultrasound machine, and expand what you offer. This way, patients won’t feel like they have to move to a new practice.


Reconsider Your Opening Hours

Much like with the services you offer, patients need to be part of a practice that is open when they need them and are available. Unfortunately, sometimes, this means times that are later than your regular opening hours. To prevent patients from moving elsewhere, you should try extending your hours, at least for a couple of days a week. You could also consider opening on weekends.

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Make Follow-Up Calls

After a patient leaves your practice, there is always the chance that they won’t come back. This, of course, could be because their problem was resolved, but it might also be because it wasn’t or because they had a bad experience. With that in mind, you should make follow-up calls and emails standard practice so that patients have a chance to voice anything they may need to.


For a medical practice to stay afloat, it needs patients. Hopefully, with the advice above, you’ll have an easier time retaining yours.

How To Improve Patient Retention In Your Medical Practice