Industries That Are Well-Suited To Self-Employed Entrepreneurs

Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. The idea of being in control of your own career and essentially running your own company is very appealing to many professionals. You can pursue an industry which interests you and take control of your earning power. And you don’t always need excessive funding to start a business from scratch. As we’ll discuss in this post, there are plenty of industries that are well-suited to self-employed entrepreneurs, whether you’re already skilled at a certain profession or not. You can always study and train to build a business in a particular industry.

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The educational system is a great option for anyone looking to make money on a self-employed basis. It might not be an industry you associate with entrepreneurs, as people often teach because they want to help others, but you could make a thriving business by passing on your knowledge to other people. The great thing about teaching is that it’s an industry which accommodates people of all backgrounds. Whether you’re well-versed in mathematics, music, geography, or even web design, there are opportunities to tutor others and do what you love for a living. Just make sure you get as qualified as possible in a certain subject area before you start teaching it; you have to compete with other private tutors. Get into the entrepreneurial mindset, and make sure you’re the best option out there.



Even before the days of the internet, there were plenty of homegrown plumbing businesses run by professionals in that trade. The handyperson has always been able to develop their own company by building a reputation in the local community. And if you’re already a professional in this industry (or any other related industry involving manual labor) then you might want to consider creating your own business. Obviously, the stereotypical image of a plumber might not be the same as your stereotypical image of a businessperson in a suit, but you still need an entrepreneurial mindset to succeed in this industry.


As already mentioned, plumbers and other manual laborers traditionally build their brands by word of mouth, but it’s wise to use the tools of the modern age to boost your business. You might want to get help from an expert in plumber SEO to help you reach potential customers online. Ranking well on search engines is a great way to advertise yourself on the internet (it’s also very cost-effective compared to traditional methods of promoting your brand). If you do take the self-employed route as a plumber, it’s important that you gain some business skills to complement your professional skill concerning the trade itself. And if you’re not yet trained as a plumber then there are plenty of courses to help you learn and get qualified; just do your research to find the best option for you.

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If you’re a creative individual who’s gifted with linguistic abilities and wants to create a business out of this hobby then maybe you could pursue a career in writing. It’s a great industry for anyone who has a good grasp of language and wants a bit more creative freedom when it comes to the services they’re delivering to clients. You could write marketing copy for companies or individuals, for instance. That’d be a great way to advertise brands in unique and exciting ways. Or you could even write short social media and website biographies for people. If you check out sites such as Fiverr then you’ll see that freelancers make money by writing all sorts of copy for customers.

Industries That Are Well-Suited To Self-Employed Entrepreneurs