The Inefficiencies that are Holding Your Business Back

Maximising your efficiency could ultimately make the difference between business success and failure. It is the difference between wasted hours and time spent being productive. Every organisation, no matter how large and successful they are, should always be striving to improve their efficiency if they can. It’s likely that there are a number of areas where improvements can be made, so here are few suggestions for your business.

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Workplace silos


One of the predominant reasons for workplace inefficiency is the development of departmental silos, where different groups of employees remain overly separated. This can hinder collaboration or lead to work being unnecessarily duplicated, simply because communication is not happening early enough or as frequently as it should.


Businesses are starting to realise this and attempting to foster collaboration at a more detailed level. One example is the emergence of DevOps, which looks to bring software development and operation teams together in the earliest possible stages of the app development lifecycle.


Automate where possible


Automation has been a factor that businesses have had to consider for decades. From the early days of the industrial revolution to present-day digital software, automation can free your staff to spend their time on more fulfilling projects.


Instead of repetitive manual tasks, like data entry, employees can spend time on the kind of creative thinking that can really drive your business forward. Automated HR, payroll management and even marketing can be used to boost efficiency, while also greatly reducing your overheads.


“It’s the way we’ve always done things”


Another factor that holds many businesses back is inertia – an unwillingness to change simply because that’s the way that things have always been done. Although it is important to hold onto tradition, and workplace culture in particular, when this is causing inefficiency then it is better to modernise.


If you are still using a paper filing system, for example, it will require additional investment and a lot of time to switch to a modern digital method, but the long-term improvements to efficiency will be hugely beneficial to your business.


Not making use of data


Collecting and analysing data on your business processes is the only way of receiving quantifiable proof regarding which projects are working and which ones are not. Subsequently, data is the only way of truly knowing which processes could be made more efficient and how.


Measuring data can show you where bottlenecks are occurring and where you aren’t getting the return on investment (ROI) that you expected. Without using data, you can’t get the visibility you need.


Keeping morale high


One of the more challenging inefficiencies to tackle relates to employee morale. If your staff are unhappy, stressed or bored, they are less likely to be as productive with their time. In order to prevent this, creating the right working environment is crucial. Using positive reinforcement, offering company incentives and giving your employees trust are all ways that you can improve morale in the workplace. By creating a positive environment for everyone, you’ll create a happier office, but also a more efficient one.

The Inefficiencies that are Holding Your Business Back