Inevitable Internet Disasters And How You Can Avoid Them

Every company that wants to be successful with have some form of digital footprint. A website, a good social media profile perhaps, and some form of presence when it comes to web searches. However, there are often many mistakes that people make when it comes to producing their websites. As so many are taking to the online world to help promote their business and brand, it is worth ensuring that you don’t make any of these mistakes yourself. Read on to find out more on how you can avoid some of the common mistakes many people make daily.

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Not using search engine optimisation


Search engine optimisation is key to ensuring that your web page is seen, especially when people use specific search terms directly for your business in popular search engines like Google. SEO is where you focus on keywords in your copy and on your web pages. But also getting your website linked back to from other websites and sites with a high domain authority. This shows search engines that you are deemed “important” and subsequently will direct their clients to your site if it deems fit with the wording used in the original search. Some people are unsure of how to make sure their website is optimised, so you may want to books on search engine optimization to help you become more informed. It can be a great way to ensure that your website gets seen when someone is searching within your industry.


Underestimating the power of social media


So many people turn to social media these days for personal and business use. Almost 70% of the nation that have active Facebook profiles alone will check their feeds at least once a day. But yet so many smaller businesses do not use social media to their advantage. Having a clear and consistent social media strategy can often be an industry leading best kept secret to ensuring that your business is seen by the masses and not by the few. A professional tone with consistent content will be key to ensuring that your business is seen by a wider audience. Not to mention that advertising options within sites like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Enabling you to showcase your business to a massive audience within specific demographics.


Not analysing data and website efficiency


A good looking website is one thing and even making sure people can see it and visit it often. But if your website isn’t running smoothly, has low page loading times or is efficient, then you will lose potential customers and clients. This is when taking notice of the demographics and analysing the data can help you identify problems. It could be the best thing you do.


Failing to create a memorable brand


Your brand is very important to how your website looks. It’s the one chance to make a decent first impression. If your website doesn’t look good or particularly inviting. If your brand doesn’t speak volumes about what you stand for. If your website isn’t easy to use or have the content in which it needs, then it just won’t work for you. It’s important to ensure that your website ticks all the boxes in order to stand out.


I hope that highlighting these potential problems helps you to avoid them in the future.


Inevitable Internet Disasters And How You Can Avoid Them