Inexpensive Ways to Spur Your IG Growth

Growing your following on Instagram is a great way to be more noticed. This can start a snowball effect that, in turn, can help you grow your business in a lot of ways. Not to mention that having a ton of followers is just emotionally validating.


It can be disheartening to think that if you do not have a huge budget, you may not get anywhere on Instagram. After all, most people cannot compete at the level of the huge companies that can get in and make huge waves with their million-dollar budgets. Luckily, there are some hacks you can use to grow your reach as well as your social status through follower attracting.


Know Your Crew


Your crew, your tribe, your peeps, all refer to the general notion that there is a group of people who would love to hear from you… if they only knew that you existed. This group can also be called your “true believers,” and these are the people who are the most likely to support you.


It has been said that in order to make an okay living, you need roughly a thousand true believers. The hard part is figuring out precisely who these people are, and why in particular they want to hear something that you can say. Once you have determined this message and this group, you are miles ahead of where you would otherwise be. Too many people want to get ahead inexpensively, but they do not realize how there is always a cost of some kind. In this case, the cost is thinking and researching very carefully.


Post With Consistency


Being consistent with your postings is a great way to attract and keep the right group of people. This is not a quick solution to your problem of wanting to grow on Instagram. However, this is a solution that will take you to some serious heights over time. Once you have your group, this is the group you will be posting to be in touch with.


Consistent posts happen at particular intervals. Perhaps you post three times a week, each time at about 10 am. Maybe you post every night at 8 pm. The trick here is to figure out when the people you wish to talk and market to are going to be around and be there at that time with consistency. When a person knows that if they want to find your freshest content they had better be on IG at a particular time, they are more likely to do this.


Sign Up for Free


Since IG first began, there have been services that have allowed you to buy followers. This can quickly get expensive, especially if these followers are not buyers. Fortunately, there is now a way that signing up can get you free followers. Then you can do surveys to get more followers. Signing up with Incentafan is free, easy, and can help you to kickstart the number of followers you have. Sign up today and get noticed!



Inexpensive Ways to Spur Your IG Growth