How to Make Your Store Look More Upscale

Life is all about perception. Context feeds into everything, and affects how we view people, events, and objects. If you’re in the business of selling, and especially if you have a store, then it’s in your best interests to do your best to ensure people perceive your store in a positive light. One effective way to achieve this goal is to make it look upscale. There are a bunch of small tips and tricks you can that’ll help you do this, none of which are especially complicated or expensive. We take a look at four ways below.

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Atmospheric Lighting


Have you ever walked into a restaurant, hotel, or store, and been instantly struck by how…pleasant everything felt? It’s likely that there’s no great mystery how this happened; it’s all to do with the lighting. Large overhead lighting gives a look and feel of a supermarket. Atmospheric, dim lighting gives off the image of stepping into a more luxurious, more exclusive world. So take a look at your lighting: what does it say about your store? If you don’t know what you can do to change things up, take a read of the best lighting tips for your store. It’ll change a lot.


On Display


There’s a big difference between stores who have a “sell as much as possible at a small profit” and stores who have hand selected all of their items. In the cheaper stores, you’ll find dozens of the same item stacked up in a pile. In stores that have thought a little more about their products, this approach would just cheapen their selection. Instead, think about how you’re displaying your products. You might have dozens of them in your warehouse, but it’s better — for appearance’s sake — if you only have a handful out on the shop floor, tactfully showcased.


Sign Options


Of course, it’s no good taking the time to make the inside of your store look upscale if it’s not also reflected in the outside of your store. People need to have an idea about what to expect from your store before they walk in. One way to show that yours is an upmarket shop is to have a high-quality, standoff sign. They’re more straightforward than you might think to install; this explains how. You only have a moment to get the interest of passersby — make sure you’re enticing them to walk through your door.


Decor Choices


You’ll also want to think about your decor options, and specifically, the materials that you’re using. If you’ve ever walked into a Whole Foods and wondered why it looks so much better than, say, a Walmart, then just look at the materials that provide their infrastructure: there’s a lot of wood in there! It’s not so clear why, but natural materials invoke a better image than row upon row of metal shelving. You don’t need to go overboard, but a splashing of alternative textures can go a long way, as can things like fresh flowers and a scent diffuser.


How to Make Your Store Look More Upscale