Offline Marketing Tactics That Are Still Effective Today

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Few businesses can survive nowadays without marketing themselves online. However, there are still many traditional marketing methods that can still be effective. Here are just several offline marketing tactics that could help you to attract customers.

Event marketing

Event marketing is still an effective way to build leads. When it comes to B2B marketing, conferences and trade fairs are a popular option – they give many people an excuse to get out of the office and they can be a useful source of networking. As for B2C marketing, sponsoring local events such as sports games, music concerts and festivals can be a great way to gain exposure. There are companies that can help to organise events for you.  


Networking involves meeting new people and creating new connections that could prove valuable to business. Such connections could include potential clients or influencers who are able to spread the word of your brand among their own network. Attending events and joining business groups are great ways to network. There are courses that can help you to improve your networking skills. There are also many useful self-help books on the topic.

Radio advertising

Many people still listen to the radio in their cars, at work or at home. As a result, radio advertising is still very effective. Producing a radio advert and getting it on air isn’t cheap and may not be feasible for some smaller businesses. It’s worth researching local radio stations to find the best one for you.

Local newspapers/magazines

The rise of online journalism has hit physical newspapers and magazines hard, but there are still a surprising number of physical newspapers and magazines out there. Getting an ad printed in one of these newspapers/magazines can be very effective – unlike digital PPC ads that are temporary, printed ads are permanent. On top of getting adverts printed, you may also be able to promote your business by getting stories or interviews published related to your company. Contact your local paper and see what opportunities there are.

Business cards/flyers

Not all forms of printed media have survived the digital age. Brochures have largely been replaced by websites, while phonebooks have been replaced by search engines. However, business cards and flyers have continued to remain popular, perhaps due to their convenience. It’s easy to hand someone a flyer or exchange details with someone by handing them your business card. They can also be pinned up on local noticeboards or left strategically in waiting rooms. On top of this, business cards and flyers can be combined with digital marketing – you can add your email address, website URL and even QR codes leading to social media pages.

Offline Marketing Tactics That Are Still Effective Today