Running A Business When Chronically Ill

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Every business owner gets ill. When it comes to short-term sickness, you may have to delay work or close up for a few days – this could upset relationships with clients and cause you to miss out on some opportunities, but overall it shouldn’t do too much lasting damage to your business.


Chronic illness is a completely different story and it can make keeping a business alive very hard. Such illnesses include any condition that lasts more than three months. In these cases, you need to adapt your business to your illness and create long-term solutions in order to keep your business alive. Here are just a few tips on how to run a business when suffering from chronic illness.


Hire and outsource help


It’s possible that you may need to hire an assistant manager to handle the majority of your work whilst ill. This could be a senior staff member who already works for and who you trust, or it could be someone entirely new. Bear in mind that you will need to spend a few days explaining the workings of your business to this assistant manager before they can take the reins.


Another option could be to outsource help. You could consider hiring a phone answering service such as Moneypenny or hiring someone to handle your bookkeeping and payroll whilst you’re ill. This could lift some of the workload so that you’re not having to strain yourself so much.


It’s likely you’ll need to have over any physical tasks to other people. If you don’t have any staff and your work is pretty niche, this could be quite difficult – unless you’re able to train up new staff to take on this work, you could find that it’s too much of a strain to keep your business going.  


Find ways to run your business remotely


If you can’t be too physically active, it could be worth finding ways to work from home to reduce the strain. Rather than attending meetings in person, try using email or the phone or video-communication. If all your files are on a computer in your office, you may want to get them transferred onto the cloud so that you can keep working on them from home.


Find the right medication for you


You may find that certain medication is effective at sopping pain but could make you too drowsy or weak to work. There could be a medication out there that doesn’t inhibit your ability to work. Some people find that natural drugs such as turmeric, kratom and THC offer pain relief without being too debilitating themselves. For improving the medicinal qualities, you may want to buy Nugsmasher rosin press from Trimleaf. Always make sure to look into side-effects of alternative medication.


Lower your workload and find other sources of passive income


It’s possible to take on less work and keep your business running with one of two clients. This will keep your business alive whilst reducing the strain.


By reducing your workload, you’ll likely you’ll lose out on a lot of income that could make it impossible to pay the bills. As a result, you may need to look into other sources of passive income that can help to cover the bills. A passive income is any time of income that doesn’t require too much active work. This could include investing money into stocks or property or using peer-to-peer lending. Another option could be to sell clutter in your home. You could even rent out a room in your home or rent out business equipment you’re not using. You may need to have a few passive incomes on the go.


Running A Business When Chronically Ill