Small Tweaks Go a Long Way: 5 Possible Reasons Why Your eCommerce Store Might Be Leaving Money on the Table

Running an eCommerce store often proves more challenging than expected. Some digital shopkeepers spend so much time focusing on the basics that they allow costly problems to persist for far too long.

That can cause an eCommerce store to keep leaving money on the table for months or even years. Become familiar with the following five signs of such problems and you will be better equipped to recognize and address them.

  1. Powerful Features are Being Neglected

Advanced eCommerce platforms like Magento do a lot more than enabling simple, straightforward online sales. All the leading eCommerce systems include many tools that can be used to boost revenues and achieve other important goals.

Unfortunately, many eCommerce store owners end up overlooking such options, sometimes to financially devastating effects. Running a stripped-down Magento store because of a lack of familiarity with the platform’s features can be especially expensive in terms of opportunity cost.

Simply by going to help and support can be made available. Experts who understand the intricacies of systems like Magento are ready to help others learn how to leverage them to the best possible effect.

Even coming up to speed with a handful of additional features can make it possible to boost an eCommerce site’s revenues greatly. As such, looking into whether a platform’s functionality is being employed appropriately will almost always be worthwhile.

  1. Customers Are Abandoning Their Carts

Shopping online could not be simpler or more convenient. That can encourage increased sales, but it can also make it too easy for shoppers to leave without checking out.

Just about every eCommerce site will experience significant levels of cart abandonment. Many store owners, though, do relatively little to tackle the problem head-on.

Fortunately, there are always some effective ways to cut down on the rate at which shoppers log off without purchasing anything. Taking any kind of appropriate action at all will inevitably be preferable to inaction.

  1. Ineffective Upselling

Encouraging shoppers to spend more is often easier than it seems. When an eCommerce site does a good job of upselling, its revenues will rise automatically.

There are a number of established types of upselling, each of which will normally be worth considering. A value-focused eCommerce site might make it difficult to sell expensive products but make up for it with ease of boosting volume. Think about what type of customers an eCommerce store caters to and the most appropriate sorts of upselling should become clear.

  1. Not Cultivating Repeat Business

Shoppers who have successfully made satisfying purchases in the past tend to be the easiest to sell to. While there are risks inherent in becoming too pushy or overbearing, it will always be worth looking into how to encourage repeat eCommerce business.

Even something as simple as sending out an occasional email can make a large difference over time. Failing to remind past buyers about what an eCommerce store has to offer is an especially common mistake.

  1. Customer Experience Needs to be Improved

Many eCommerce sites with great prices and product selections are simply unpleasant to use. Spend a bit of time working on customer experience and sales levels will almost always rise.

Shopping online, after all, should be as enjoyable as it is convenient and easy. Just like with the other four most common reasons why eCommerce sites leave money on the table, customer experience can normally be improved quite effectively.

Small Tweaks Go a Long Way: 5 Possible Reasons Why Your eCommerce Store Might Be Leaving Money on the Table