Have you got your business up and running? I mean, really? If you feel everything is in place, you need to have a look around and take stock of your situation. How far into trading are you? If you are in the first primitive months of the company, where everything is new or exciting, read this and check you have everything you need.
Staff That Are Dedicated To The Brand
The right staff are a goldmine. If you have people throwing themselves at your business, begging for prime piece of your business pie, commiserations! You will now have to spend hours and hours wading through piles of CV’s and end up with three people you have high hopes for. If you look for the right staff, it will concentrate your efforts and if you know where to look, the right people will be easier to find. Looking on sites like Linkedin will help in that sense as you will be able to find the right type of people by putting in the right keywords on your search.
The people that will benefit your operation in the early days will bend over backwards, and will understand your position when you ask them to put in an extra push. Or work that saturday morning at a moment’s notice. Those people have the belief and dedication to your vision, and will stick by you instead of fleeing a sinking ship.
A Reliable Base Of Operations
Operating out of your kitchen was fine when all you had was a smartphone, a laptop and a couple of contacts. Now your business is starting to snowball you need to present the image of a real business, and that is a professional one! Meetings will be held, late night brainstorming sessions, and deals will be made or broken, all under one roof! Renting offices or office space is relatively easy to come by, and it is less distracting than your kitchen! Make sure you have the basics, like computers and printers so your business is functional. Working with companies such as Ricoh Printers can help provide business related tools instead of trying to get work printed at home.
A Watertight Marketing Strategy
And I mean watertight. The amount of businesses that go down the pan when business owners are focusing on other things are too common. Know your product. Know your market. Know how to connect the two. The way to do that is to work on your strategy. If all else fails you can then go back to the strategy.
Your Infectious Enthusiasm For The Business
Last, but by no means least, you need to lead this organisation into victory. If you are not presenting the right energy or enthusiasm, your troops will begin to flag. Look in the mirror and see what image you are presenting to your colleagues, is it the one you want? If not, work on changing it to the right one. If you lead by example, it instills faith in you and faith in yourself. Businesses in the first year are very difficult, and it is easy to lose heart. Keep your focus, and your time will come.
This article was provided by ellie jo