Who Should Be In Your Starting Line-Up?

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Every entrepreneur wants to grow their idea into a business that can scale and grow as quick as possible, so they go it alone, shouldering the responsibilities of starting up solo. But it is very rare that somebody has all of the qualities to launch a new business on their own because everybody has strengths and weaknesses. Yup, even Steve Jobs had to have the right people around him.


So who should you hire when you are starting up? Which people will be able to help you scale quickly without being a total drain on your resources?


Well, here is a list of great people to bring on as early as possible.


A Financial Overseer

This could be a freelance bookkeeper, a full-time accountant or a relative. Who it doesn’t really matter, you just need to have someone else overseeing the financial state of your business. When you are starting up, it can be so easy to persuade yourself that certain spending is good and certain decisions are okay, and to just generally be optimistic instead of real with yourself. That is where a financial overseer comes in. They will be able to tell you what is selling, what needs dropping and how every one of your decisions affects the bottom-line, all of which is valuable stuff to know.


A Project Manager

As your company grows, your projects and services will expand, and so will the responsibilities on you as the leader. So instead of spreading yourself too thin, allow yourself the chance to stay on top of the general business direction and decisions by bringing on someone that can ensure all timelines are met and everything runs smoothly and to the plan set out. That means you need to bring on someone that is great at communicating and holding themselves accountable for tasks, milestones and meetings.


A Technical Expert

Everything these days uses some form of technology, software and hardware, and that means you need to have someone who knows how to speak this language. The reasons why are almost infinite. You’ll need someone that can build and update your website, someone that can prevent an internet security breach, someone that can leap to action when your shared file server suddenly crashes or an inexperienced member of staff suddenly clicks on a phishing email that contains a malware link. Having a technical expert will allow you to remain operational should something happen, and allow your online presence to grow at the same rate as your actual operation.


A Social Media Whizz

You may think this is an unnecessary luxury for a startup company, but it isn’t. Being on top of your social media is no longer an option; it is a total must-have. All too often people hire young Millennials to do their social media just because they are young Millennials, but that isn’t fair or wise. Social media management is a tough challenge and needs someone that knows how to maximise your reach and your updates. That is why you need someone who will be able to think outside the box a little and come up with clever promotions and intelligent ways control the conversations that are going on around your brand.


Who Should Be In Your Starting Line-Up?