3 Product Liability Compensation Claims A Lawyer Can Help Your Business Avoid

Every business that is involved in the production of goods of any kind is always at risk of facing potential compensation claims from customers. And this can turn out to be pretty destabilizing for the company if not handled correctly. In this article, we will look at how a good lawyer can protect your business from three common product liability compensation claims.

Claims Of Design Defects

The first type of compensation claims will seek to prove that there is an inherent flaw in the design of your company’s product and that it is this flaw that caused the other party to suffer physical injuries. For example, suppose that you manufacture refrigerators. Unfortunately, a design flaw in a particular model may have made a certain section inside the refrigerator prone to electric charges. If a customer were to touch that spot, then they can suffer serious damage due to the high electric current they come into contact with. And this injury can easily be traced back into the design flaw of the refrigerator, which will make your company liable to pay compensation for the other party’s injuries. A personal injury lawyer like www.larsonlaw.com, because of their vast experience in this field, will accurately know which accusations of ‘design flaws’ will become problematic and which ones can be brushed off easily. This will help your business take appropriate measures to defend itself against any such similar compensation claims.

Claims Of Manufacturing Defect

Manufacturing defect liability claims, as the name suggests, depend on proving a flaw in the manufacturing of the product. The design may be perfect, but if the accusing party can show that the product they bought has a manufacturing defect, then they can easily build a strong case against your company. For example, consider a business involved in the manufacture of firearms. If because of any manufacturing defect, the gun ends up blowing itself while a person is trying to shoot it, then the victim can easily sue your company for compensation. However, just because there was a manufacturing defect in the product will not make your business liable for damages. Instead, it has to be proven that the injury is solely the result of the manufacturing defect and nothing else. So, if the gun blows up because of a fault in how the victim loaded the bullets, then a good lawyer can easily use it to exonerate your business from any compensation even if the said gun does have a manufacturing defect.

Claims Of Marketing Defect

If the product is not marketed correctly, then that too can become a reason for compensation claims from customers. A usual case in this type of claim involves a concept called ‘failure to warn’.  Suppose that you manufacture batteries and avoid mentioning on the product that it contains harmful chemicals and must never be put into the fire. Now, if someone drops it into fire thinking that nothing will happen, and if the battery explodes, causing hot fragments to burn into the skin of the person, then they can file a compensation claim against your business for marketing defects.


3 Product Liability Compensation Claims A Lawyer Can Help Your Business Avoid