4 Things To Remember As A Start Up Blogger

If you’re looking to turn your blog into more than just a hobby, then there are many things that you will need to learn and research such as how you’re going to make money from your writing. Regardless of all of those points, there are four key things to remember as a start up blogger and this article is going to go into more detail about each of the key things.



Having content on your blog is all well and good, but if the information that you’re posting is of no interest to anyone, then it’s unlikely that you’re going to get many readers. Making sure that the content you post is informative and gives something back to the reader will make them likely to come back, and also increase the chance that they will share your useful information on their social media accounts. Don’t forget that search engine optimisation goes hand in hand with good content, so make sure that you clue yourself up on that too.


Creating your brand is something that you probably already should have done. A great first step to take is to purchase the domain name of your blog (if you haven’t already) and create a logo around it so that over time, it will become recognisable to fans of your blog. If you’re interested in reading more about how you can successfully brand your blog, this is how Finance News Australia have shown their readers their best techniques. Take a look and implement it into your blog right away.


After sorting out your branding, it’s advisable to look at the design of your blog. While you might love the theme that you’ve picked, it might not make sense with what your blog is about. Try to go for stylish themes that are easy to navigate through. Also, make sure that everything a reader might want to find is easily accessible. Doing this will increase the chances of them diving deeper into your blog and looking at the other content that you have to offer.


Once you’ve got your content, branding and design sorted, you now need to master the art of timing. By this we mean how often you are going to be promoting your blog, and also how you’re going to promote it too. Social media is a very powerful tool for bloggers because one simple share can lead to a viral post. Make sure that you’re posting regularly, and at the right time of day for each different social media platform. Each one has different algorithms and there are peak times for posting on each of them, so take the time and learn when your audience is most active so you can post at those times too; therefore increasing the chances of your content being seen.


Take these four steps into consideration and you will be on your way to making the leap from a hobby to a paid job. Of course, there are many other steps that you should take when it comes to monetising, but having your blog ship shape first will help massively.

4 Things To Remember As A Start Up Blogger