5 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Email Marketing As A Small Business Owner

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It is common knowledge that business owners must stay on top of marketing to attract new clients and keep the existing ones happy. Email marketing is one of the best ways to communicate with these clients and prospects. It involves using electronic mail to send your audience newsletters, announcements, deals, and other essential information. However, HubSpot reveals that over 40% of marketers have seen budget cuts to email marketing since the pandemic. Many experts agree that this should not be the case since email is a key tool in your marketing arsenal. Below are some great reasons to prioritize email marketing as a small business owner.

  • An email has a better reach


There are reportedly thrice as many email accounts as Facebook and Twitter accounts put together. This statistic is hardly shocking, given that almost anyone who uses the internet has an email address, including social media users. Consequently, no other channel can compete with email in terms of reach. Email and social media have different ideas of reach. For social media, reach is simply the number of followers, likes, and other interactions you get on your posts. 


On the other hand, email’s reach is determined by the number of individuals that open messages. Therefore, it is best to make email marketing a key aspect of your core strategy to widen your reach since many mail recipients are likelier to see your message than social media users. However, your email reach is significantly weakened if all your messages end up in the spam folder. Consequently, consider working with experts like www.topmarketingagency.com to ensure that your emails aren’t classified as spam and ignored by your audience.

  • Gain credibility


There is no denying that today’s customers like doing business with only companies they trust. Fortunately, email marketing can help you share your original content to your target consumers’ inboxes to give them an idea of what your company is about. In addition, you can convey your message using your brand’s distinct tone, helping customers decide whether to do business with you. 


This reality is vital because clients want more than just a product or service. Consumers typically desire something they can’t get elsewhere, like exclusive knowledge they can only receive from you. Therefore, craft newsletters and share your enterprise’s information with clients using your branded email account to build solid relationships with them. You also gain significant credibility since they will regard you as an expert in your field and a trusted source of information. 

  • Emails are cost-effective with a better return on investment (ROI)


As a business owner, you are undoubtedly always seeking ways to cut costs without compromising quality. Email marketing is worth prioritizing to reduce your marketing budget because it is extremely cheap. It has a low upfront cost, and many services allow you to send as many emails as you wish for a paltry monthly fee based on how long your list is. 


Additionally, several email marketing tools come with templates that allow you to remain consistent and professional with all messages. These templates lower costs by reducing the time you spend crafting individual emails. Additionally, emails can be shared easily, so your audience can forward them to their friends and family to grow your customer base with little cost. Finally, the ROI on email marketing is excellent, with research revealing that you enjoy a profitable ROI.

  • Personalize your content


Email marketing helps you send promotional content to several people at a go while keeping each message personal, giving you better marketing results. For instance, suppose you are a women’s clothing retailer running an email campaign for Mother’s Day. In that case, email marketing can help you send the right message to men and women on your email list. For men, you can include a shopping list with a coupon at the end of the message. On the other hand, you can promote your offerings to females by promoting self-care in the email and adding a coupon for them to treat themselves.

  • Analyze data for future marketing campaigns


Great email tools like MailChimp offer real-time stats on all your marketing campaigns. Consequently, you can readily measure your customer engagement and conduct A/B testing to discover the best content to add to your emails. This way, you can ensure that your hard-earned money is being used well to get the most conversions possible. What’s more, you can measure things like conversions and click-through rates for thorough insights into your ROI. Many other types of marketing do not offer this exact data and can only provide estimates at best.

5 Reasons Why You Should Prioritize Email Marketing As A Small Business Owner