9 Packing Tips to Make Your Move Smoother

Moving house can be a daunting task. Suddenly you may feel like you have way too much stuff. Thus, this is the perfect time to plan a yard sale and declutter. However, you can’t get rid of everything. After all, you will need most of your clothes, your furniture, your knick-knacks, crockery etc. The key to a sane move is to plan your move systematically and efficiently. So, here are a few packing tips to make your life easier.

Gather Your Supplies

It can be quite frustrating to be in the middle of packing a box and suddenly be short of bubble wrap. Having to shop for supplies while you’re packing is not only an inefficient use of time but can also break your momentum. Hence, before you start packing, ensure that you have everything you need. Along with boxes also get plenty of tape, bubble wrap and packing paper. While newspaper may be enough to pack crockery, avoid using it to pack linens as the print could bleed. Also, keep plenty of small Ziploc bags handy. These are ideal to pack loose screws, etc.

Use the Right Boxes

You can get cartons from liquor stores and grocery stores but these may not always be suitable. For breakables, it is better to buy moving boxes. These are considerably stronger and can take more weight. You might also want to use new boxes for our clothes. When it comes to electronics, the best boxes to pack these are the boxes they arrived in. Do not use large boxes to pack heavy things like books. Pack light weight things in large boxes and heavy things in small boxes. This will make it easier to lift and move the boxes. Before you close a box, ensure that there is no empty space left. Fill any gaps with crushed newspaper.

Room by Room

Don’t attack everything at once. The best way to pack is to start with the outdoors. Once you’re done with the outdoors, shift your attention to the lofts and garage. Next, address the knick-knacks in your living room and nonessential living room furniture. Don’t mix things from different rooms in one box. This will make it easier for you to unpack and settle in to your new home. When it comes to your bedroom, first pack a suitcase with everything you need for the week before and after your move. Also, pack a clear box with your essential toiletries. The kitchen should ideally be the last room to be packed.

Plan Your Packing

Rome wasn’t built in a day and you can’t pack a home in one either. You need to start planning your packing at least 4 weeks before moving day. Give yourself a target of which room you will pack and how many boxes you need to fill per day. This will ensure that everything gets packed systematically and you aren’t left with too much to do at the last minute. Ideally, your packing should be complete 2-3 days before moving day.


When you’re getting your supplies together, don’t forget about labels. Number your boxes and label each with the room they belong to. If you like, you could also attach a label inside the box with a list of its contents. Numbering the boxes will help you keep track of them and keep you from forgetting anything. Room labels will help the movers place the boxes correctly in your new home. To make life easier, you could also use different coloured markers for each room. The inner labels will make it easier for you to find things while you’re in the midst of unpacking. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a lemon squeezer handy to make lemonade if you’re unpacking on a hot summer’s day? If you want to be really well organized, you could also create a master list with the content of each box.

Diy vs Professional

There are many things you can do on your own. But, there are some that are better left to professionals. For example: your car. If you can’t drive it yourself, don’t trust just about anyone else to drive it to your new home. Browse through websites like Executiveautoshippers.com to get a quote for moving your vehicles. Similarly, if you’re moving an expensive art piece, don’t feel shy about getting help to pack it.

Separate the Valuables

No matter how much you trust your movers, do not pack any valuables in the boxes that they will be transporting. Instead, these should always travel with you. You can pack your jewellery along with your clothes. You will also need to carry all your important paperwork with you. This includes family medical records, bank papers, school transfer certificates etc. Create a folder for these documents and keep it in your hand bag. You can make a copy of this folder and pack that it with the rest of your boxes if need be.


It is a good idea to photograph all your rooms before you start packing. If you have help, this will make setting up the new home an easier task. Also, take photographs of the back of your electronics and their connections. This way you won’t have to spend too much time getting your speaker system working. And, unpacking with music is so much better than wading through boxes without it…

Finally, Pack the Truck Right

It isn’t enough to pack each box correctly; you also need to load them properly. Ideally, load your heavy appliances and boxes first. Keep these things upright and as close to the cab as possible. Also pay attention to the balance of truck and don’t put all our heavy things on one side. You can rent padding to protect the edges of your furniture and slide heavy boxes and furniture on to the truck. Boxes with glassware and other awkwardly shaped things should be loaded last. The best place for these is under table legs. You can keep clothes, bags etc around these to hold them in place.

9 Packing Tips to Make Your Move Smoother