Can Your Small Business Compete With The Big Boys?

Never has it been so easy to start up your own small business. In fact, for many people, it is as simple as coming up with an idea, setting up a website, and registering for tax. However, there can be a vast gulf between these types of small businesses, and the multinational conglomerates that dominate the market. Of course, there are some strategies you can use to help your business keep up with the big boys and girls. Read on to find out what they are. 


You need business expertise 


Ever watched the Dragon’s Den on TV? Well, there is a reason that the endorsement of the professionals is so coveted, and it’s not just the funding they provide. In fact, another valuable asset that the professionals have is their wealth of experience in the business world, usually from working within big business. Something that means they know how to get things done, products made, and deadlines met. 



In fact, this business experience is often what smaller companies lack. Especially if they have been started by someone that was not in an entrepreneurial position before. To that end, engaging a business consultant, or finding an experienced business person to offer to coach and mentor to your company can be very valuable. If you want to keep up with your larger competitors, that is. 


Project professionalism 


If you want to keep up with big business, then projecting a professional image is crucial, even if you choose to work out of your home. Happily, this is a task that is no longer difficult. The reason being that are multiple small actions you can take to make sure things run smoothly, and you come across professionally to your clients. 

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In particular, using a dress code for face to face video meetings can show that you are taking your client seriously. While using professionally graphic designed logos and email signatures in digital communications is vital. 


Additionally, don’t forget that the first experience that many customers will have of your business is via your website or by phone. Therefore making sure your site is professionally designed is crucial, as is using a virtual headquarters service to answer your calls. The latter providing 24 hours coverage as well as fast pick up times, so no customer is left feeling as if their call does not matter. 


Use social media to provide the best customer experience

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Lastly, when it comes to playing with the big boys, do not forget that the Internet can be a great leveller. Yes, they may have a huge marketing and customer service department with which to serve their clients. Still, there is nothing stopping you directly engaging with your customers regularly. 



In fact, social media platforms such as Youtube, Linked In, and Instagram are set up around the ability for you to do just that. This being a tactic that allows you to offer the personal touch, and ensure your customers get the best experience possible. Something that, as all size business will know, makes a massive difference to your competitive edge in the market. 


Can Your Small Business Compete With The Big Boys?