How To Make Your Brand Stand Out On Social Media

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The days of the biggest budgets being the most noticed in marketing are long gone. Social media and modern marketing strategies can often mean a well thought out campaign can have a far bigger impact than the budget would suggest. However, how do you ensure you take advantage of this more even playing field? How do you cut through the considerable noise and stand out from the crowd?

Below are some of the best practices you can apply to your campaign straight away to ensure you maximize the impact they have.

Be Yourself

By yourself, we mean your brand. It’s crucial your brand is not just relatable and approachable, but consistent. A level of familiarity will help to attract the right people to your social channels. Of course, really nailing your brand voice can be a little tricky, but once you have it stick with it consistently through all communications. Many companies struggle with some aspects that would normally be carried out by a professional. These companies often turn to proven companies in their niche for help. For example, franchise businesses may turn to franchise marketing companies for help to be successful, while online accountancy firms may plump for an SEO company who specialize in helping accountants create the right image online.

Your Visuals Create a Theme

Equally as important as your brand voice in modern marketing is your choice of visuals. These also help to build the general image and feeling around your brand. Strong visuals can help you to stand out, attract, and retain followers. Don’t be afraid to get creative within the scope of your brand.

Storytelling is Engaging

Combining the two elements above in a way that is natural and engaging is important. A great image that doesn’t match a compelling caption will make the post fall short of the mark. The best posts fit together seamlessly while telling the story of your brand or product in a natural way.

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Stick to Your Strategy

Having a plan is important. It helps to keep your posts focused on the objective and ensures you maintain consistency across all platforms. It makes sure everybody remains on the same page and will free up time to get creative. It will remove any panic and make you better equipped to deal with the unknown as it occurs.

Build a Theme Around Your Brand

Your brand’s tone and visuals will create the feel of your brand. However, you can enhance this effect by personalizing all your accounts to reflect your theme. Use the same color choices wherever possible and a clear and easily recognizable picture for your user image.

Variety is the Spice of Life

While it’s important to maintain your brand’s tone, it doesn’t mean you have to just post a single type of content. You can add variety into your posts to keep engaging your audience and add some extra pizzazz to your posts. Utilize different types of media, such as images and videos, ask direct questions of your audience as well as providing helpful information. Occasionally use a plain text post.

Having a clear image of your brand and being prepared for an upcoming campaign will allow you the time and space to continue being creative and concentrate on responding to your audience. Ultimately there is no magic key to success, just remember it’s a long-term commitment and being present and consistent are the two most important factors for brand success.

How To Make Your Brand Stand Out On Social Media