Changes Afoot: How To Navigate Your Business Through A Difficult Time

Running a business comes with many stresses. None more stressful than when a major business change gets underway. And if you are in charge of business during the period of uncertainty it can be very testing on you as a leader of your business. And it can be testing on you personally. There will be many challenges that you have to step up to the plate for. Staff may revolt. Old business plans that were viewed as completely solid are now being thrown away to be replaced by what could be a flavour of the month. What is it that you need to do to get yourself and to motivate your staff to get through this difficult time?

Start To Lead By Example


When you’re in charge of a company it can be easy to fall back on your laurels and the easy methods of leading a business. This is to give orders and expect work to be done. This is a very one-sided approach to leading. A much better approach would be to treat others how you would like to be treated and make sure that you set a good example for the type of company that you would want to work in. Make sure that you are presenting an image of strength, intelligence, and above all else enthusiasm for the business. Like it or not, but you are the face of the company, so you need to be representing the company at all times. This is a hard thing to maintain, so investing time in yourself away from the working environment will help you to recharge.

Have A Marketing Strategy That Is Watertight


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Making sure that you have an intimate knowledge of your product as well as your market and it will serve you very well. If your marketing strategy is like Swiss cheese i.e. full of holes, then do not expect a huge amount of returns in the long run. The strategy is your manifesto, and that is where everything else comes from.  Based on the product, your marketing strategy needs to be airtight.  If everything else crumbles and you have a good strategy, you can always go back to it. Andy Pilley, who started a firm after the collapse of Enron, says simply, “Stick to your strengths”, and it’s hard not to disagree. Your marketing strategy should be your strength!

Have Staff That Are Dedicated To The Brand



They say it’s so hard to get a good staff these days. But what about finding staff that are dedicated to the crusade of the product and the brand? You need to find the right people that will appreciate your position when you are in need of an extra push from them. These are the people you need on your side when times are tough.

Above All Else, Have A Reliable Base Of Operations!


In a tough period for a business, you need a reliable base to operate out of. A place to make and break deals, hold brainstorming meetings and to push the business past this sticky time.


This article was provided by ellie jo

Changes Afoot: How To Navigate Your Business Through A Difficult Time