Could Creative Marketing Be Your Forte?

Out of all the startup ideas that are regularly shared among social media, business websites and entrepreneur blogs, one of the least mentioned ideas is a marketing firm. It’s no surprise that people don’t mention marketing because, ironically, a marketing firm is going to need the help of other marketing firms in order to get some exposure—or so you might think.


One of the biggest advantages to starting up a marketing business is the fact that you already have all the expertise and knowledge necessary to become popular. After all, if you’re a business is advertises services to get other companies noticed, then it makes sense that you practice what you preach and show off your knowledge by becoming a well-known and reputable business yourself. However, as with all startups, getting your foot in the industry’s door is a challenge that requires a lot of patience, dedication and hard work.


However, you might discover the marketing is an industry that is unlike any other. It’s constantly evolving which means you’re always on your toes, and you get to utilise some of the fanciest new technologies. Just think about the possibilities of augmented reality in the future and how it can completely change the way we perceive the real world. It opens up fantastic marketing opportunities, and the only way to make use of these new technological advances to turn a profit is to become a creative business, and there are very few industries that use creativity like a marketing business does.

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Mixing old and new


One of the most interesting startup ideas that the world has seen is the task of merging traditional and digital mediums. In other words, by mixing old and modern methods of advertising, we can create something that appeals to not only the new generation but also the older generation. This is perfect if you’re helping a client advertise their services or products which are applicable to a wide audience.


Let’s use smartphones for example. Advertisements are usually posted on social media and they appear on the user’s phone as a notification. In the past, however, advertisements were sent via SMS. This is still used occasionally and some parts of the world use it exclusively as a means of aggressive marketing. Thanks to the way marketing works, you don’t always have to think about the technical side of things either, just your ideas.


For instance, let’s say a client agrees that the best way to advertise their product is to make it appeal to as many demographics as possible and they want to see what SMS advertising is capable of. When you launch your private label SMS business, you can enlist the help of a white-label outsourcing company in order to get the work done instead of manually doing it yourself. In many cases, an advertising company can act as a middleman that attracts clients and uses third-party software, hardware or services in order to get the job done. In other words, marketing gurus are visionaries that know how to attract customers and sell a product.

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Creativity wins


One of the biggest draws to a marketing startup is the ability to mix technologies and apply new concepts to existing ideas. In order to accomplish this, you’ll need to be able to make something from scratch instead of relying on preexisting services. This is when you’ll need to hire your own software development team in order to make your dreams a reality. Software developers are incredibly talented individuals who can usually make your ideas become real programs. While you specialise in generating ideas and formulating plans, software developers specialise in the logic behind how to make your ideas become a fully functional proof of concept.


Because each client requires a completely different marketing and promotional campaign to suit their needs, a career in creative marketing is demanding and you constantly need to shuffle through ideas in your mind in order to write up the perfect plan. This makes it the perfect career or startup choice for someone who loves to get creative with their thoughts and not necessarily through drawings or writing.


Creative thinking is usually one of the least underutilised talents in any industry. It’s overlooked because thinking alone doesn’t create much of an impact on the industry if it’s not backed up resources and manpower to make those creative ideas a reality. This is why a marketing startup is such an enticing idea for creative individuals who have the ability to spin new ideas from the most unlikely sources. If you feel that you’re creative, capable of critical thinking and know how to attract attention, then creative marketing could be your next forte.

Could Creative Marketing Be Your Forte?