The Dos And Don’ts Of Startup Blogging

Most entrepreneurs are busy focusing on developing and growing their business from day one. As a result, some of their main focus areas include recruitment, funding and investment, and sales. They have little time to think about things like a company blog.


However, even if you feel you don’t have the time or effort to dedicate to a company blog, you should probably rethink your priorities and put blogging in your top five. That’s because company blogs are now crucial for marketing and turning leads into sales. In fact, companies that regularly blog find that 71% of blogging companies greatly increase their visibility.


To make sure your company blog gets off to a good start, here are some valuable tips you need to know.


Don’t Blog In A Corporate Tone


When reading blogs, readers want to be engaged and entertained. Don’t bore them with a stuffy corporate tone! If your posts sound too formal, the readers will get bored and switch off. All of that information you wanted them to take in will simply be ignored. The best way to cut your corporate tone is to edit out any jargon from the text. Make sure that you also break up any long paragraphs, as these dense blocks of texts will quickly cause readers to go to sleep!

Do Entice With The Opening Paragraph


Readers are easily distracted, so you need to ensure that you entice yours from the very first paragraph. That way, they will be hooked and will want to read further. When you are writing your post, it is important to remember the front-loading rule. That means you need to cram in as much information and data into the first paragraph as possible. All of this will capture the reader’s attention, and they will certainly read on further!


Use Plenty Of Images


As lots of readers simply scan through blog posts, you should break up your text as much as possible. And there is no better way of doing this than with some royalty free images. Or, better yet, why not use some photographs that you have taken yourself? If you do see some images that someone else has taken which you would like to use for your blog, you should always ask for their consent before you do so. Otherwise, you are breaking the law. But, generally speaking, it is best to find images that don’t have any royalties.


Always End With A Call To Action


It’s always good to end a blog post with a call to action. This is a prompt that tries to get the reader to carry out a specific action. It could be along the lines of “sign up for our newsletter here” or “head over to our online shop to see how much you can save”. If people are impressed by your blog post, then there is a good chance they will follow the call to action.


Make sure you don’t ignore your company blog. As you can see, there are many easy ways to make yours a big hit!

The Dos And Don’ts Of Startup Blogging