Eco-Friendly Tips For Your Startup: How To Get Started


Are you passionate about saving the environment? Are you ready to get your startup business up and running? We’ve definitely got the article for you!


We think it’s great that people like you exist. You’re ambitious to do well in your business, but you won’t put that success ahead of protecting our planet. And after all, why should it limit your success in the first place? With a little extra time and knowledge, you can go green and run a profitable business with ease. Here are our tips to help you get started.


Water Needs


Your office will need to use water in some form or another. But, with a little extra consideration, you can cut down your usage pretty easily. For example, installing automatic taps might be a good option to save needless water wastage. The same goes for urinal controls. Don’t forget to train your staff effectively on how to save water in the business, too. You might go the extra mile, but that doesn’t mean they will.


Paper & Printing


We’re living in an ever-digital world, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to print. It’s a necessity for every business, but you can still do your bit for the environment. For example, print services can help to analyse your needs and come up with the best solutions. In terms of paper, you simply need to do your bit by recycling. Make sure you separate bins and label them carefully so the rest of your staff don’t confuse them.


LED Lighting


LED lighting will cost a little more to install than standard light bulbs, but it’s a much better option for your business. Also, once you’ve got them installed, you’ll start to save money in the long run. They’re cheaper to run, and they also last longer in many cases. This is a big cause of energy loss in many businesses that aren’t willing to spend a little more on energy-saving solutions.


Say Goodbye To Standby


This might only be a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but it’s still very important. We have gotten used to leaving computers and other devices on standby over the years. When you’re operating a business, this can have a huge effect. When you leave the office at night, be sure to turn everything off, within reason. It might just save your company thousands over the course of a year.




Don’t forget travel! OK, so this doesn’t necessarily affect your business, but you don’t want to stop there, right? Encourage your staff to get into the eco-friendly habit by car sharing together. You could even add incentives for them to cycle to work instead of taking their car. There are plenty of companies out there that engage in this type of behaviour, and it has proven successful.


Being eco-friendly isn’t just going to benefit you and your earth-saving ambitions, either. It will develop an excellent reputation for your business in time. If you’re lucky, this could lead to more opportunities. The potential benefits are huge!


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This article was provided by ellie jo

Eco-Friendly Tips For Your Startup: How To Get Started