Effective Communication Makes An Effective Business

There have been countless would-be entrepreneurs throughout history who came up with some truly brilliant ideas, but never took them anywhere for one little reason: poor communication skills. Communication is at the core of all human relationships, and one of the most important tools we have at our disposal as business owners. If you’re afraid that your workplace communication isn’t doing all it should be, here are some tips for making it more effective.

Give Great Feedback

If there’s one thing which will make an employee resent their job faster than anything else, it’s feeling like they’re totally invisible. If they’re doing great, and handling their work in a way that benefits the business as a whole, then you should be recognizing this. If they’re slacking off or becoming a burden to the rest of the organization, then you should let them know that you expect better from them. Then one thing you shouldn’t do is ignore them. When you’re giving feedback, be sure to keep it clear and detailed, and therefore easier for them to act upon. Don’t say anything vague like “you’re not trying hard enough.” Point out a specific problem, like a certain piece of work being filed late a lot. Buy the same token, recognize achievements specifically, and tell them how their work has made things easier in other areas of the business.

Give Employees What They Want


Source: Flickr


You may not think it, but one of the best ways to inspire better business communication is to give your employees an environment that they look forward to entering in the mornings. Obviously, you need to be paying your staff what they’re worth and delivering all the promises that you made in their job description. What’s more important, however, is giving your workers an environment that they can easily make sense of. Part of this is being transparent as an employer. Keeping the goals of the business and the individual worker’s role in them clear is exceedingly important, as well as being open about any changes that are going to affect the bulk of the workforce. You should also try to be flexible with the way different employees prefer to work. If you have an older employee who prefers VoIP Solutions to the IM window everyone else uses, then make an exception. These changes will make employees more productive, and aware of their place in the larger organization.

Trust Everyone

I’m sure you’ve experienced working under at least one micro-manager at one point in your career. This is the boss who’s constantly leaning over your shoulder to check out your work, telling you the best way to do things to the point where they might as well just be doing your job for you! You obviously trusted the people you’ve hired to be capable when you first gave them the job, so don’t be one of these unbearable bosses! When your employees feel like they’re trusted, they’ll be much more open with their communication, and more inclined to get stuck into the harder tasks coming across their desks.

Effective Communication Makes An Effective Business