Finding Suppliers: 6 Tips For Success

One of the biggest decisions that a business has to make is in the suppliers that they use for their everyday needs. It’s not just cleaning and pest control, but the company you choose for packaging for your products and the warehousing you use for manufacturing. These decisions are so important for the continuation of your business, and if you make the wrong ones, you’re going to end up in more trouble than is necessary. 


Sometimes, it’s easy to choose a supplier and selecting the right one is a big decision. You need to consider how they can benefit your business. Whether you find the packaging supplier online at, take advice from family or friends or you go through a more formal process to select them, you need to think about how you can use their services to your benefit. With that in mind, let’s check out six tips that you need for success in finding the right suppliers.

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  1. Work out the needs of your organization before you do any vendor selection. You need to know what services you need before you can research the vendors that are available. It’s important to find the right match. 
  2. Do your own research as to the best companies who can offer what you need. You need to contact vendors and suppliers by phone to work out whether they can participate in your selection process. Contact them all with an introduction to your business and a summary of your needs, then invite them to be a part of the process. It would also be a good idea to provide them with a date for a one to one discussion.
  3. Once you have contacted a range of vendors, they’ll need to come to you to see what you need. They can present to you what they can do for your business and you can talk about how much of a budget you have.
  4. Weeding out the vendors that don’t cut it is more important than figuring out the ones that do. You need to know that people have something to offer you, and you have to cut the fat before you can get to the bottom of who is the best out there.
  5. When you’ve done this, you can get to the final vendor round and allow those left in the running to make their offer. You can then choose the best supplier from the options that you have left.
  6. Lastly, you’ve got to stick with your decision as per your contract that you draw up with them. You have to consider your costs and their ability to meet your requirements, and then you have to think about sticking to those providers. They are going to bring something to your business that you need. However, always have the second best candidates on your speed dial. You need to add a clause to the contract that you give the supplier a three to six month trial period and if it’s not working out, you can break the contract.
Finding Suppliers: 6 Tips For Success