Get Your YouTube Marketing Campaign Right The First Time!

Since it’s fairly humble beginnings, YouTube has exploded to become one of the most lucrative and influential platforms on the web. At one point it was simply for entertainment. Now, more and more big brands are utilising YouTube as a powerful marketing tool. There’s certainly a lot of potential in YouTube marketing, but it’s not exactly the easiest thing to master. If your YouTube marketing is coming along slowly, here’s some pointers to get the most out of it.

The first piece of advice I can offer is to think outside the box with your videos. Someone who’s a specialist in your particular industry might be drawn to a tour of your business headquarters. However, this probably isn’t the case for your target market! All the most popular YouTube videos tell an interesting story, or have a quirky, unconventional theme. This promotional video: is a brilliant example. The content of this lovely video has almost nothing to do with the Android company. However, I’m sure you’ll agree it’s much more engaging than a dry infomercial about how they construct their phones. Giving information about your business should be secondary, and saved for your official website. When you’re coming up with video ideas, focus on things which will draw interest, no matter how unconventional.


Image source: Wikimedia


My next tip is to know when and how to outsource. If you’re a relatively new start-up, then you probably don’t have a video professional on your staff. Someone may claim to be great with a camcorder, but if you give the job to them your video isn’t going to be nearly as professional as it could be. The standard for video content has really shot up in recent years, so hire in a professional video crew (including an editor) to make sure you hit the nail on the head. I may be worth outsourcing certain aspects of your video promotion as well. Your marketing and social media guys should know a fair amount about getting seen on YouTube, but services like this: can still be a massive help in the early days.

Finally, when it comes to more informative video content, you should be aiming to qualify your leads. As we’ve mentioned before, a YouTube video doesn’t always have to be precisely relevant to be effective. When you are making an informative video, the aim should be pre-qualifying its target market so that they’re already interested by the time they follow through to your website. Getting this right is tough, but certainly not impossible. The trick is to educate and engage your target market, but leave them hanging just the right amount. All of these infomercial-style videos should have something that tells the viewer they need to go to your website to get all the information they want. This is usually done by ending the video with something like “To find out more, go to” Get this balance right, and your conversions will go through the roof!

Take these tips on board, and you’ll see your YouTube content really get to work!


This article was provided by ellie jo

Get Your YouTube Marketing Campaign Right The First Time!